SPOILER !! Week Jan 6

Is it me our does it seem like payoffs are coming sooner?
My hunch is re-Ron wasn't worrying about the future. He knew. This decision feels mutual. My speculation/reading only.

Soaps and other long-running shows always pick up speed as they near an end/turn a corner. A soap writer with an out has no ideas to save for later.
I think that Kristen got just the daughter she deserves and will have to deal with this demon seed forever. But have to admit that I do enjoy it when Kristen is challenged.

Here are my thoughts on the spoilers, in parentheses:

Monday, Jan 6, 2025
Rafe and EJ work together to go after Arnold. (Please get that buffoon Arnold out of Salem like yesterday.)
Javi tells Jada about his love life. (As if she has time or cares, dealing with a weird version of Rafe.)
Chanel finds Joy and confronts her. (Protect your face, Joy, Chanel has joined The Slappers Club.)
Marlena gives Belle advice. (I hope about staying away from EJ.)

Tuesday, Jan 7, 2025
Leo and Javi reconcile. (Ugh, why? They don't belong together.)
Chanel gives Johnny shocking news. (Pregnant?)
Joy finds comfort in Alex's arms. (He still wants Stephanie, though.)
Stephanie tries to get Chad to support her (?) (With what, approving her being with Philip?)

Wednesday, Jan 8, 2025
Sophia updates Holly on her situation with Tate. (Holly will turn to Dougie when marriage is mentioned.)
Kristen tells Ava the truth (About Rachel being Ava's stalking texter?)
Julie confronts Dougie (Yay, Julie has the Salem Brain! But despite this caper, I think Dougie is a good soul who did what he did out of desperation. Not condoning it, but I don't believe he is a true criminal.)
Tate and Brady remain firm in their commitment (?) (To not let Tate be committed to Sophia in marriage, no doubt.)

Thursday, Jan 9, 2025
Philip and Xander cross swords. (Fencing, anyone?)
Holly looks after Dougie. (Uh-oh!)
Tate receives an apology from Sophia (For her mother being so rigid? I wonder if Sophia was an unplanned pregnancy.)
Brady and Kristen play the blame game with each other. (Nothing new here.)

Friday, Jan 10, 2025
Sarah warns Xander to stay on the right side of the law. (Whatever he might be planning, he has to tell her, dem's da rules now.)
Holly presses Dougie for the truth. (Or consequences? Or dare?)
Philip has an encounter with Stephanie. (They already "encountered" each other a few times. Does she catch him doing or saying something naughty?)
Chad and Julie support each other. (I like this, they need each other, and neither will hurt the other one.)
Chanel confronts Joy: Pity poor Joy(less). She hasn’t got a chance against the vicious Chanel.

Leo and Javi reconcile: Leo can do far better than this. He’s really scraping the bottom of the Salem barrel.

Holly looks after Dougie: She’d better keep a firm grip on her pocket book.

Philip has an encounter with Stephanie: Will he get any compliments for his new oily look?