SPOILER !! Week Jan 27

Monday January 27:
Brady and Kristen bond as they grieve over their daughter. [Not again. Clueless Brady is the living embodiment of the old saying "Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, etc."]

Tuesday January 28:
John and “Steve” run into familiar faces as they search for Stefano. [As they wander Europe, do they run into Sami, Mummy EJ, L'il Toddler Mel, and Carly?]

Wednesday January 29:
Kate confronts Gina about her and Stefano’s plans for John and Marlena. [If push came to shove, Kate could make confetti out of "Gina."]

Thursday January 30:
Princess Gina tries to lure Marlena into a trap. [Good luck with that. "Gina" is as dumb as a post.]
So, I am wondering. Does "Steve" take John to Europe and wherever Rolf is......and what if, somehow, Rolf can take Stefano "essence" from Steve and put it in John??? Thus, Stefano could then easily have his
"queen of the night".........however, that would not go over well with fake Hope, so guess that would not work. Why do these 2 idiots think they will get their obsession if John & Marlena think the other is dead? Weird.

OMG!!!!!! :shocked: :tsk:
Here's an idea: tell Sami that Clyde tried to kill him, then she can bribe or manipulate the judge or the warden to give Will an early release! That way, he's out of prison, but Victor's and Xander's deed is still kept a secret. Will and Ciara can also tell Justin and Sonny the whole truth, and voila. No drama, no trauma.
Monday, January 27th:
Will and Ciara debate whether or not they should come forward with the truth. [They wouldn't have this problem if Victor would get busy pulling strings.]

Tuesday, January 28th:
Gina is rattled when Shawn arrives in Salem at Rafe’s behest. [This is further proof of how dense "Gina" is. Poor, ineffective Shawn is nobody to be worried about. Recall that during Andre's reign of terror when he buried poor Roman alive, Shawn was no help. Andre easily locked him and Belle inside the Pub's walk-in refrigerator.]

Friday, January 31st:
Believing Nicole is with Brady, Eric turns to someone else for comfort. [Pity that poor "someone else."]
But considering Rolf has turned Hope into Princess Gina before, it wouldn't be unfamiliar to Shawn-D.

I'm surprised it's taken this long for someone to suspect a Gina personality switch with the smoking, the manner of speech, the tiara, and her interest in John. Rafe might not know all that, but Abe and John would. John had a ton of interaction with real and fake Gina before. Does he not know that Rafe found a tiara? He heard about the cigars, etc. in the loft Rafe searched.

Ugh, Eric. What poor woman is going to be his next "love" victim? He's running out of women to sleep with and then toss away like garbage under the pretense of being noble.
Nicole has absolutely no self respect! She should have packed her stuff and left that apartment after Eric was so awful to her. Yeah, she deserved to pay for what she did, but she should not want to be with someone who doesn't want her. I know the man-pool in Salem is pretty limited and you can never be sure he is who he says he is (or how many times he's died and come back!) but why let yourself be kicked around. I can say the same for Kayla, as well. And Stefano. And Gina. The list goes on!