SPOILER !! Week Feb 11

Thanks everyone for the spoilers - you are awesome!

they could change the neckties to silk scarves and dub her the Chiffon Choker
but how great would it be to have Patch walk into Kayla's office with flowers? John show up with strawberries at the townhouse? Eric agree to cover the Pub so Roman and Anna could be together.....
Ahh - Romance YIPPEE!!!:love::love::love::love::love::love::love::love:
They have not addressed Jack and Eve sharing one room with one bed. While I am very very thankful to not have to endure the sight of them in bed or rocking the bed,:sick::sick::sick::sick::tsk::tsk::tsk::angry::angry: is it basically implied that they are sleeping together?
They sure have avoided anything about it. Maybe there is a cot, chair, but while she flirts with him a lot, no kissing, snuggling, nothing like that. Maybe it is a 2 room suite?? Adjoining bd.rms. ??
I would love it if Jordan was the real killer. Alas, I don't see how this could be possible, since we saw Ben commit the murders, then we saw him kidnap Abigail, and set the bed on fire at the cabin. I know Days stretches facts, but this... I doubt it could work.

We may not have seen Ben kill anyone directly, but I think we all saw him obsess over baby Thomas being his and set the bed on fire to kill Chad and Abigail so he could run off with the baby. That was clearly an attempt to commit a double murder.
You are absolutely right about that. But I guess I could more easily accept a redemption if Ben didn't actually kill anyone. The fire setting is horrible, of course. Then again, what Abigail has done when mentally ill (kidnapping, blaming Gabi, etc.), or Hope (wanting to set Bo on fire, attacking men), or others, is horrible too and they are still viewed as good people. So why not Ben?