Wed. May 5, 2002

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Nov 23, 2006
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Episode #9296
Taped 4/8/02
Directed by Randy J. Robbins****

An outstanding show, as the Bradys & Hortons say goodbye to JT, (tho Shawn still has his “attitude”), the mantle clock ticks away the final minutes…. and yes, you definitely need the ENTIRE box of tissues. In fact I am having a hard time writing this.

At the Brady home, Hope is fondly looking at JT’s picture, when Jen comes in with some of JT’s things. Roman and Bo come in with arms loaded. They are packing up all JT’s things to give to the Reibers. In the kitchen Shawn is playing with JT (sheesh, that kid is sooooo adorable with Shawn) when there is a knock at the back door. In come Doug & Julie, avoiding the reporters camped out front. Mickey & Maggie come in the kitchen with Hope & Jen, hugs all around, as tears are falling. The mantle clock says 1:15.

John & Marlena’s arrival via the front door upsets Shawn, but Bo explains that he invited John, who deserves to be there, having helped Hope a great deal while he was in Ireland. Bo is playing with JT as he talks, and JT says “Daddy”. Tear time. Jen brings out a plate of cookies Abby baked, with love in every one. Now Grampa Shawn & Caroline arrive. Mickey is upset over being unable to help Bo & Hope keep JT, & Maggie comforts him. Everyone is surprised when JT says “brother”, something Shawn taught him. (glad it is that, and not “I won’t go”). Hope has made a scrapbook of pictures, recipes of JT’s favorite foods, stories, etc. They all talk of the words to the “Wheels on the Bus”….then Doug, as he plays with JT, sings “Say Good Night, not Goodbye”, and everyone is teary eyed again. The mantle clock says 1:30, as the second hand spins quickly and it is 1:35.
Caroline congratulates Shawn on his acceptance to Pepperdine, but Shawn claims he is not going to college, he has no future, and argues with his usual belligerent attitude. Caroline tries to talk some sense into him, saying what an example that would be to his brother. She talks about a grown JT, coming to look for him, and asks Shawn what he wants JT to find when he knocks on his door.
John & Marlena talk about how hard it is to lose a child, and John knows this has to bring back memories for Marlena’s loss of her baby. (FYI….years ago, Marlena lost a child to SIDS – Sudden Infant Death Syndrome).
Grampa Shawn asks everyone to join hands as they offer a prayer of thanks for the time they have been able to have JT in their lives. Shawn asks why he should believe or trust in God, when he is taking away JT, and Caroline talks of faith, saying sometimes we have a child for many years, and sometimes for just a short time. Then she asks Shawn if he had known in advance he would only have JT a short time, would he have turned his back on him. Shawn agrees, of course not. Mickey reads a beautiful passage from the bible, and we see the family tree in the great book. The mantle clock says 1:40.

A knock at the door, and Glen & Barb have arrived, a trifle early, but they thought it might take some time to get JT’s stuff in the car. They are surprised at all the boxes, and Bo graciously tells them they have included JT’s outgrown things, as they may be able to use them for the new baby. (Sorry, Barb still does not look pregnant, and she was claiming to be so at Thanksgiving time) The men begin to take out all the boxes and toys. Hope talks of the time they had JT as such a wonderful gift, and knowing Glen missed out on that time, she tells them she knows how that feels. She tells them how JT learned to climb stairs, and they have to watch him as he is so quick, how he learned to throw a ball, and is no longer afraid of grass on his feet. She is breaking down as she talks. Bo gives Barb a diary Hope kept of JT’s doctor visits, book titles, web sites, etc about FAS. Barb thanks them all, says she will keep it handy, and assures everyone they will take good care of JT. Her dad has hooked Glen up with a good job, (thought he got one with his brother-in-law?). They talk of how they will have family around them, and JT will have the largest extended family on the block.

Bo takes JT, and gives him to Glen (heartbreaking scenes here) as nearly everyone has tears running down their faces. JT begins to cough, and Hope begins a frantic search for the nebulizer, but Glen calmly flicks the bottom of JT’s foot, explaining he learned it in a CPR class, and all is well with JT. Hope gives the scrapbook to Glen & Barb, but Glen insists she keep it, so she will have memories. Hope is surprised, but we hear Alice’s voice saying Thank you. She has come down to say her goodbyes. Glen thanks them all, and tells them, if they don’t mind, he is going to keep JT’s name….only adding Reiber at the end. Hope tells him the Thomas was for her grandfather, and talks of how she looked forward to telling JT all about him. Glen says he also has stories for JT of his parents (now deceased). Barb tells them she is having a boy, and Shawn says so JT will have another brother….well, he is going to make a terrific older brother.

First Bo, then Shawn and finally Hope all tearfully say goodbye to JT, and the Reibers leave (along with the agency lady) out the back door. Hope dissolves into tears, crying that he is gone, JT is gone.
In their car, Marlena has tears rolling down her face, John is upset and they just sit there, as a song begins to play in the background…..the same “Say goodnight, not goodbye” with a female singer. We now see a montage of scenes as the Brady family deals with JT’s departure in their own ways. Hope goes upstairs, and leafs thru the scrapbook. Bo goes down into the basement, attacking the punching bag. Shawn goes in the back yard, picking up a bat & ball. Down in the basement, Bo’s eyes are filling with tears as he punches at the bag, finally collapsing against it, as he breaks down. Up in JT’s room, Hope sits crying in the rocking chair, scrapbook on her lap as the camera pulls back, showing the empty crib. Fade out, And the credits silently roll.

No, they did not, Jason. It was later, and just as heartbreaking for Abe & Lexie when they had to turn Zack over to Hope & Bo.
reading this brought back how sad it was for them to lose JT... but also how heartbreaking all over again when they lost Zack. :cry:
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