Victor & Rafe


Oh my.... can someone bring me a cool drink??
They can go to Chez Rouge, in fact I imagine that's quite the popular spot for off-duty Roman, Giselle van Hopper, Don Craig, and all the other Salem 40-somethings who aren't sleeping with their daughter's boyfriends or going on ill-advised online dates.

Wait, wait, wait.... Stop the presses!!! Are you saying Don Craig finally found that elusive mail box and made his way back to the Salem city limits???!! :rotfl:
Sonny will have to go a long way to swallow his pride and work for his Uncle Vic. I would certainly prefer that to his needing money from Paul. So....since I would prefer his going with his Uncle Vic, that probably means Paul coming to the rescue is a sure thing.

edited to write out word....JS
Sonny is partners with I doubt Club TBD would go under. Sonny & Will right now are PERSONALLY broke.
Hard to believe Sonny would throw good money after bad, especially ALL their savings. Knowing how much money already had been put into that new club, when the contractor called about the roof, and then something else......Sonny should have just said no. (and I still think someone was paying off that contractor to keep coming up with something or other) I remember once hubby's truck in for a tire or brake repair, and he kept getting phone calls, they found this, then that, and he would say, o.k. fix, replace. Well the $50 bill was getting up to over $350, but he said NO. stop, no further repairs. And he went & picked it up. Old truck or not, the original estimate just kept escalating, just around that ONE tire area. LOL
Sonny did not get another inspector, an independent one. One that he could call on, to go with him NOW and check things out. (So the inspector could not be "persuaded" by someone else to do the thumbs down bit)
Yep agree.........meanwhile, I like that Rafe is managing this club.....However, Mr. Corday has said something about a club for the "young, hip crowd". So....Club TBD is owned and run by a few young,hip Salemites......and the new nightspot is owned by a citizen who is very much in the "senior" area, and managed by a hunk who is in his early 40s. And so far, I did not see a "young, hip crowd" but heck, just the lst night.
So, who would be the "young hip crowd"? Ciara, Chase, Joey? Or JJ, Abby, Will, Sonny, T, Bev, and Paige. Or is it the sort of older group, Melanie, Theresa, Jordan and Ben??? Or, the Nicole, Serena, Eric and Brady group? OR the Daniel, Jennifer, Lucas and Anne group???

As I am going to go out on a limb here and say that Marlena, Hope, John, Aiden, Kate, Adrienne, Justin, Maxine, Abe, Roman, Caroline, Maggie and Henderson group wouldn't routinely hang out. (but will now due to the new set and we need to get the maximum use out of it aka DA PLOT)

Folks, we can plan on seeing there: Rafe, Victor and Clyde, as I'd expect them to take full advantage of this place.
So, who would be the "young hip crowd"?
Good point. Clearly, sleeveless Jenny and her social circle are neither young nor hip, and people like Ben, Jordan, etc. don't exactly bring the word "hip" to mind. If Corday wants Victor's club to be populated by the young and hip, he's going have to hire a lot of extras.