Victor & Rafe

He bought it with the intention of giving it to Sonny, but Sonny wouldn't accept it. So Victor made the most of his purchase and hired Rafe.

While Chez Rouge isn't seen, it's sometimes still mentioned. (as in Maggie saying she has to go and do some Chez Rouge paperwork)
I don't know about anyone else, but I really liked the image of Rafe being Rick in Casablanca, as Victor suggested!
Yes, Rafe could become a latter-day Rudolph Valentino. Young women would be fighting to get into "Club Victor" for a chance to be near him, with the ultimate prize a chance to sit at Rafe's private table.

Maggie has management experience - Rafe doesn't.
If Victor expects his club to attract a young, hip crowd, cookie-baking busybody Maggie in charge would be the kiss of death. With Maggie running things, Victor might soon find that his clientele consists entirely of people from the Salem Senior Center, the retired ladies quilting club, elderly members of the Salem Birdwatchers Association (where are you now, Percy?), and assorted middle-aged Salem busybodies (this means you Adrienne, Julie, and Jenny).
Like many others here, I bet, have seen Casablanca dozens of times, maybe hundreds, including those times one tunes in catching the last half hour, or is watching some program that includes clips from the movie.
Heck, with previous software, this board used to have famous "movie quotes" instead of "well known member" under our user names, as we have now.....and "here's lookin' at you kid," "we'll always have Paris" was among them.
And yes, I think Rafe would be fabulous in a white dinner jacket, especially doing some mystery or heroic stuff there at the club.
I'm wondering if perhaps Rafe IS doing undercover work...but it's not on any DiMeira at's on cute, cuddly Clyde (who I LOVE!!!!) He's a good actor who has a juicy roll and if it's in the script you get it from him. Eventually he could get both Stefano & Victor to completely retire. He could also put Chad in his place pretty easily. He's got the spunk for it all...just a question of TIIC rising to the job. AND, sadly, we know how that's been going on for how long now?
@eweiner. I agree 150% that James Reade is doing an absolutely fantastic job as Clyde. Days was really lucky to get this wonderful actor in this part, I love his portrayal. That said, don't much like Clyde himself, but he sure does fill the villain role without all the sci-fi that Stefano had to use.

@KathyLu.....never saw Rafe in jeans and plaid shirt....but bet he looks good in them. Ha. Actually, it does appear that Vic's club will be "dress up", as there is a video clip of people there, and from what we have seen of the interior when Victor showed Rafe really seems to be classy place. So, I really would love to see Rafe in that white dinner jacket. LOL
@eweiner. I agree 150% that James Reade is doing an absolutely fantastic job as Clyde. Days was really lucky to get this wonderful actor in this part, I love his portrayal. That said, don't much like Clyde himself, but he sure does fill the villain role without all the sci-fi that Stefano had to use.

@KathyLu.....never saw Rafe in jeans and plaid shirt....but bet he looks good in them. Ha. Actually, it does appear that Vic's club will be "dress up", as there is a video clip of people there, and from what we have seen of the interior when Victor showed Rafe really seems to be classy place. So, I really would love to see Rafe in that white dinner jacket. LOL
OK here he is :love:
I just hope this means Story for Rafe and not that he'll be wiping glasses like Ben or Caroline.

My hunch is that he's on the sly and still working for Salem PD. But I'd accept him just being the Huggy Bear for the inept Salem Rick in Casablanca, a well-connected guy.

Speaking of...where IS Caroline? We haven't seen her in weeks!!
I agree, Barb, but I picture Rafe's working in jeans and a plaid shirt. ::SIGH:: I hope TPTB surprise us and the club is a high-class night spot.
I doubt it. Knowing the writers, it'll be some cheap, trashy bar with hookers outside and the type of people who make love on the crowded dance floor.