Twitter - July 2023 problem


Staff member
Nov 23, 2006
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Evidently Elon Musk has decided to try and stop the using of some info that appears on Twitter.......thus.....whatever is going on.......there are times you will see something about Rate has been exceeded...try again later............or some such. Nothing you did, but it does make it a bit difficult to use twitter. Just be aware........I believe he has an explanation, plus says this is only temporary.
robin, I don't know why you even remain on Twitter since the Great and Powerful Re-Ron has blocked you??? :sarcasm: :rotfl:

I still call that a badge of honor here at the Salem Spectator!
I wonder how it counts posts? I skim a lot and other people repost items. Do they count
each a turn?

I haven't been able to get to Twitter to see new posts for awhile. Bummer.
He sure is not making or keeping friends......or business. LOL. Many read same posts a second counts. Even skimming as I guess, you are there, on the thread. No idea how they could possibly count every single post one "reads"......does a 4 or 6 line post count more than a 1 or 2 liner? Egads. !
Now when I click a tweet that kat posts, it takes me to Twitter, but then I can't see it on there. (like if a video clip won't play in the embedded tweet in a post here, when you click it, it goes to Twitter, but then you get a "retry" screen)
I can still see the ones I posted on the board.

When I do tweets, I'll copy and post for awhile to keep them in the post.
You can still see them on here. But if you click on them to see the actual tweet on Twitter, it gives you a "retry" screen. At least it did to me because I don't have a twitter account. Guess you can no longer even read tweets on Twitter if you don't have an account.
I'm not able to go to Twitter this morning. I was going to pay for a month to see how
things go, but since I don't text I'm not able to sign up.
I was able to get on as usual about three hours ago now. I was able to look at responses to posts
and other topics on the side. Maybe my count started over. I'll know more later.

FYI, people said he hadn't paid a bill and that's why it stopped working. Maybe he paid it
He apparently slightly changed his original lockdown and raised the viewing limits last night.

No, it had nothing to do with Elon Musk paying a bill or not. He's trying to force everybody into paying the $8.00 a month verification fee to generate more revenue because the value of Twitter has dropped into the toilet after he paid 44 billion dollars for it.