Tues. November 28, 2006

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Nov 23, 2006
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Tuesday, November 28, 2006

EPISODE: 10,451
DIRECTED BY: Roger Inman
TAPE DATE: October 25, 2006
Chelsea’s picture of Bo and Billie creates tension to all involved at the Salem Inn, Reed Home and the Bradys while John’s recruited for some Italian sleuthing by Abe and Roman.

THE PENTHOUSEMarlena’s on the phone making wedding plans when Kate knocks at the door. She’s angry and looking for John to “wring his neck.” Kate tells Marlena about ransacking EJ’s apartment for John and now EJ knows. Marlena smiles, admitting knowing all of it. Kate said EJ told her he was innocent, but Marlena suggests that EJ might be lying (ya think?) Marlena asks how close Kate is with EJ and she says they’re more than partners, they’re friends. Marlena’s back on her game and realizes that Kate’s been sleeping with EJ. Kate refuses to spy on EJ again for John and Marlena points out that John’s off the case, he gave her his word, so not a problem.

John returns home and tells her he talked to Abe and Roman, saying the department closed the case on EJ. He says they wanted him to wash his hands of it and he is. He then says he has to go to Italy as one of their Basic Black branches there is under performing.

Abe, Roman and John stand (doesn’t anyone ever sit?) in front of the fire to discuss Celeste and her tarot card explanations. Roman reminds them that the death card was missing and put them on high alert. If EJ gets that card, they don’t know who will be the target. John takes off his coat and asks if they have any idea whose death is expected. Abe reminds him about the onyx ring Kate found in EJ’s room and Celeste confirmed that EJ is a Dimera and as such, determined to ruin the Brady’s. Roman says their investigation has to go undercover now and that’s where John comes in…being he’s a Dimera himself. John’s surprised by Abe’s change of direction, now wanting him to get involved. John guesses Abe wants him to go to Italy to investigate and is right. John tells them no, he can’t do that to his wife. They suggest he lie to Marlena about a business trip to Italy, but John worries that if he got killed in the process, how Marlena would feel. Roman reminds him what will happen if John doesn’t help. John reluctantly agrees and demands Abe swear that NO ONE knows about it..especially Marlena. The three tap fists in agreement and John keeps saying DAMN, LOL.

Bo returns home to find Hope crying over a note he sent saying he never wants to lose her again and that love is forever. They kiss and she dashes (holding her tummy) upstairs to get into something more provocative. In a little while Hope comes downstairs looking morose. She explains her laptop was open and she had an email..she almost deleted it, not recognizing the sender, but didn’t and shows him the picture of him and Billie (guess her laptop must be hooked up to a printer upstairs). The picture was date stamped and Bo says it was the day at the pub and Billie was there…Hope remembers. He calmly states nothing happened and that he and Billie realized they were just friends. She was upset over Steve and he over Hope. Billie calls and says she saw the picture and he asks if SHE is there and to keep her there..he’s on his way over. Bo leaves to see Chelsea and Patrick arrives. He walks in and tries to take advantage of the situation, but Hope tells him to stay out of her personal life with Bo. He grabs the picture asking if she’s going to take Bo back when he can’t keep his hands off Billie. He isn’t happy when Hope tells him that he shouldn’t think the picture opens a door for him again and he comes at her to change her mind when she backs into the vase with Bo’s flowers backing away from him. It crashes to the floor and breaks. He says it was an accident and she shouts for her to GO, GET OUT and he does so. She squats down and picks up a flower (she’s still wearing HEELS?)

REED HOMESteve calls Billie to see if they’re still on for lunch. He’s found a place out in the country near a lake and says he’ll pick her up in an hour. Patrick arrives and shows Billie the picture of her and Bo sitting on the bed and when she asks who would do something like that, he glances at a guilty looking Chelsea. (c’mon ISA Billie, Chelsea SHOWED you that picture on her cellphone, didn’t she?) Chelsea snottily plays innocent, but then admits doing it. Patrick leaves after Chelsea admits sending it to Hope and the pirate (Steve) too. Billie lectures Chelsea that Bo might not forgive her so easily after this. The two argue about it and Chelsea is sure Billie wants to be with Bo. Billie looks the brat in the face and says nothing happened as they both know it’s over. Bo arrives after Billie just talked with Steve. He said he can’t come over as planned and when she tells him she needs to talk to him, he rushes off saying he has to go.

Outside Patrick calls Dr. Bader and reminds her to do the amnio herself and make sure that she confirms he’s the father, not Bo. He promises to send her the money after he gets an advance from his boss.

Bo arrives and when he hears Billie tells Chelsea…”are you happy now, you got what you wanted.” He tells Chelsea to STOP WHINING and to realize that she can’t break up him and Hope. He lectures her and then looks across the room and strolls over saying there IS something she is going to have to learn to live without, closes her laptop and THROWS it out the front door (ouch…just take it with you bud…don’t hurt a perfectly good laptop, LOL). She rants her whole life was on THAT computer…he asks why he should care the way she’s trying to destroy others lives. Bo takes off and Billie tells her that’s it..from now on they have zero tolerance for her. Chelsea takes her coat and leaves.

Chelsea runs into Grandma Kate out front and whines she’s a failure, not as good as Kate is. She whines more about how mad Bo is at her. Kate says she didn’t plan for the possibility of getting caught and next time needs a plan B. She has to look at her long term goal, a family who loves her. She has to reenergize and go after her goal.

Inside Billie is crying to Patrick. He tells her she deserves better if Chelsea scared Steve off.

Steve knocks on Kayla’s door and we find Lexie taking her blood pressure. Both ladies are thankful to have each other. Steve asks Kayla if she minds if he goes out for a while being she’s in such good hands and before Kayla can reply, Stephanie tells him no, that mom needs him. Kayla tells Stephanie that Steve was cooped up in the hospital too and needs some space too. Stephanie leaves after Steve says he doesn’t need to rush out. Kayla recalls a time when they were on the run and he had her hide out in a bathroom. He lit a match to start the fire sprinklers, then dashed and jumped into the tub with her when they went off. Back to present, she’s laughing asking if he remembered that, saying they were soaked. We know he doesn’t, but he just smiles and repeats they were soaked. She remembers how he got the soap and kidding about being they were wet…and back to present again says water always did that to them. Steve’s still looking glum and she suggests he go for that drive and it might help and he thinks so too. Stephanie walks out of the bedroom saying she was trying to open an internet account for Steve (he wishes her luck) and said a picture was waiting for him (he’s surprised as no one knew he even had email…yeah..pretty amazing indeed)….and wow, there was a picture of him and Billie. Kayla grows agitated and having trouble breathing over what the picture might do. Steve wants to go get more info on the picture, but he and Stephanie call Lexie. Next we see Lexie listening to Kayla’s heart and not sure if Kayla needs an ambulance. We return to Lexie giving Kayla a shot and recommending they don’t talk about distressing topics in front of Kayla until she’s stronger. Stephanie tells her mom that dad’s here and nothing else matters. Later she and Steve step 10 feet from Kayla and talk. Stephanie’s confident that he and her mom will be together forever now that he has his memory back.

Bo returns home to see Hope picking up the vase and flowers. She tells him that Patrick was there after seeing the picture and when she told him it was a mistake and he should leave, flowers went flying. Bo asks if Patrick got physical with her and he gets furious saying she’s pregnant and he did that? Bo storms out as Hope calls out to him…as the previews roll:

ABBY TO NICK: You do realize that she’s using you, right?
NICK: Chelsea will look at Nick Fallon and realize what she’s been missing out on.

KATE TO CHELSEA: You’ve got to smooth out those rough edges or you’re going to spend the rest of your life alone.

EJ TO PATRICK: You’ve been running around leaving a wake of chaos all around you. There’s a price to be paid for that Patrick…as he backhands him.

HOPE (on the phone) to BO: I don’t know you anymore Brady. You better find yourself a good attorney.
BO: Hope, what is go….as the credits roll….

Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Episode #10452
Taped 10/27
Director Herb Stein
Bo is set up by Patrick to take the fall for EJ, Nick does Chelsea a favor, Willow encourages Shawn, who gets berated by EJ, while Kate fails her daughter, in order to plot with her granddaughter.
Hope is trying to call Bo, who is not answering his cell, when Billie arrives. Hope is not too happy to see her, but Billie wants to apologize for Chelsea sending the picture. Hope is sick of it, sick of Chelsea’s schemes. She is trying to work things out with Bo, and they are well on their way, in spite of her carrying Patrick’s baby. She had to chase Patrick out, and then Bo went after him. If anything happens to either one, Billie will be responsible. Billie tries to explain, but Hope will not have any of it, and asks Billie to leave. She does. Later, Bo comes home to an empty house. Hope has gone to see Shawn.
Kate sarcastically reads aloud from the newspaper how EJ Wells fe
eds the homeless. EJ shrugs, saying he threw a bit of money at the Salem Food Bank, insuring the homeless would have turkey and gravy. She realizes it was a publicity ploy, and was milking it for good public relations. EJ’s cell rings, he is not happy to see who it is, and leaves to take it in private. He answers, angry that Patrick is calling him, and hangs up on him.
Willow is snuggling up to Shawn, trying to convince him to buy the super expensive convertible which has a humungous down payment. Knock, Knock. It is EJ at the door, saying that if you want to keep making the bucks, my friend, you will have to improve your work ethic. He comes in, admiring the apt, furniture, and notes the convertible brochures. He tells Shawn that he has a great place, plenty of cash, a pretty thing to spend it on, and remarks that he gave Shawn all of this, but now he has fallen down on the job. Shawn replies that it is complicated, but EJ says no, it isn’t. Why have you not been taking calls from Patrick. Shawn tells him that Patrick calls at all hours, even middle of night, and hasn’t been paying him. Shawn had not heard from EJ, so figured something was wrong (yeah, right!). EJ gives him a wad of bills, to make up for his lack of payments. Shawn mentions having seen the TV, and was glad EJ was cleared of any wrongdoing. EJ tells him to try and convince his dad, but Shawn bad mouths Bo, saying his dad has been on the wrong side of everything of late. EJ leaves.
Later, another knock, knock. Willow again wants to hide, (thinking it might be Belle) but Shawn says no. This time it is Hope, looking for Bo. Shawn tells her he has not seen Bo, that they do not see eye to eye much. Hope gives Willow a “look”. Her cell rings, it is Patrick, saying he needs her, he thinks he is dying. (See below)
Patrick has been trying to call Shawn, who is not answering his phone. Bonnie comes out, and they have words about his stolen money. She claims he misplaced it, but he knows better. She denies taking it, saying she would never steal from her children. (yeah, right). Patrick tells her she would sell them all for the right price. She angrily tells him to get a 9 to 5 and he will get in the black again. She stalks out, running into Bo, tells him Patrick is inside. Bo barges in, with Patrick saying, hey, this isn’t your house. Bo tells him it isn’t his either, it belongs to his mommy. LOL. He (calmly, for Bo) tells Patrick to stay away from his wife, to call her if he is concerned about her pregnancy, and if Hope wants to talk to him, she will answer. If not, then leave a message like normal people. He goes on to say he will take Hope to Dr. appointments. Patrick reminds him that Hope is NOT carrying his baby, (low blow) but Bo replies that Hope is HIS wife. He tells Patrick that after the baby is born, they will arrange visitation for him, but that is it. Leave Hope alone. Bo leaves, and Patrick locks the door behind him. As he stands there, EJ’s voice is behind him, saying that locking the door will not fix the mess he has gotten himself into. EJ says he came in through a bedroom window, as no one should know they are in contact. He reams Patrick out for not paying Shawn, and is not sympathetic to Patrick’s claim of having his money stolen and being broke. Patrick needs a few thousand, which EJ gives him, but then angrily tells him that he has been handling things poorly, and could jeopardize the operation. And for that there is a price to pay. He backhands Patrickwho falls to the floor. Later we see him, laying there, all bloodied, calling Hope. The money is scattered near him, and crumples it all up, stuffing it into his pocket.Later, Hope rushes in…..shocked at what she sees. Patrick murmurs “Bo, Bo did this”. Now Bonnie rushes in, sees Patrick, and babbles about Bo being outside when she left, and he must have done this. She calls 911 for an ambulance, and also wants the cops, as someone beat up her son.
Nick, Abby & Chelsea are having dinner at Chez Rouge. As usual, Chelsea is whining about not having a computer, can’t IM anyone, she has no way of knowing what is going on in the world, she might as well be living in a cave. Abby tells her to buy another, but alas, no money. Abby suggests getting a job…”Like I have time” replies Chelsea. Nick offers to let her borrow one of his, one that he bought and paid for from his salary. He has one at home he rarely uses, as he mostly uses the one at work. Chelsea is surprised, and agrees, as he offers to go get it NOW. (poor guy, cannot even finish his dinner). Now Abby scolds her for taking advantage of Nick. She accuses her of playing him. Chelsea denies it, but Abby warns her that Nick has a big crush on her. Oooh, news to Chelsea. When did this happen? Abby explains how intrigued Nick was at meeting her, how he has helped her out with the bartender at Dune, inviting her to the Brady Thanksgiving and now the computer. Chelsea is surprised, but delighted. Nick returns with the laptop, with Chelsea giving Nick another peck on the cheek, making him very happy. Chelsea leaves with the laptop, and Abby tries to make Nick realize what is going on., but he is too enthralled. He leaves.
Billie comes to see Kate, shows her the picture, telling her all that Chelsea did, and asks her to not be sympathetic to Chelsea. She says her daughter looks up to Kate, and asks her help in straightening her out.In walks Chelsea, bearing her borrowed laptop, bragging abouthow she got it. Billie scolds her a bit, then Kate wants to talk to Chelsea alone. Chelsea is all snotty about how she took the picture, and why she sent it to Hope, Patrick & the pirate.Kate seems at first to be going to give her a dressing down, but ends up telling Chelsea that she is gutsy and determined, and congratulates her on what she did. Bravissimo, she says, calling her a diamond in the rough. Now comes lecture on being sneaky, but appearing to be nice, staying focused on her goal,and the advice to start a blog, telling everyone how she feels….. and to treat her parents with kid gloves.

Patrick is on the bed, all cleaned up, with Bonnie telling him how they are going to sue the Brady’s, not to worry, she will take care of legal stuff, and has just been waiting for a chance like this. He weakly calls for Hope.Outside in the hall, Hope has called Bo, who has no idea what she is talking about. When she says she is at hospital with Patrick, he thinks for an appt., and tells her he TOLD her he would go with her. Miscommunication going on, of course, as Hope tells him not to pretend he does not know what she is talking about. Bonnie comes out for her..and she hangs up. Hope goes in to see Patrick, who tells her he has broken ribs, some internal bleeding, and says Bo has probably gone on the lam. Hope says she doubts it. He asks her to stay with him til the cat scan reports comes in, telling her she is all he has. (sure, no mom, sis, brother, etc. )
Billie comes home, sees the place in a shambles, then the blood on the floor. She calls Bo, telling him, then sees a note from Bonnie saying she took Patrick to the hospital. She realizes it must be Patrick’s blood.
Shawn has bought that convertible, and is out joyriding with Willow. She wants to go to Chez Rouge, as would like to be served, instead of serving others. Life is perfect, except for one thing. He decides to put the pedal to the metal. (And it is end of November in the Midwest…have not seen a single convertible with the top down. Shawn & Willow must be really warm blooded people, lol)
EJ comes into Kate’s office, looking a bit rumpled, tie askew, hair a bit messed. She comments about it. He takes off his tie, inviting her over to his place, but she says, why leave. We can stay here, as they begin to make out. (looks like that desk will get cleared off soon again, Ha. AND…..with Patrick as beat up as he is, why do EJ’s hands look so good? It would seem there would at least be some abrasions, etc. )
Chelsea is in her bedroom, prettying herself up, then sits cross legged on her lovely bed, and begins talking to her set up cell phone. She evidently is making a video blog, as she says her name is Chelsea, she is 19, this is her room, she lives with her mom and some other people not worth mentioning. She says she doesn’t get along with her mom, all people are hypocrites, and something about wearing steel toed boots to kick some butt. We see Nick avidly watching at work, as he eats his sandwich. (Now how the heck does he even KNOW she is doing this? Sigghhhh)
Bo is trying to get Billie to tell him what is going on. Knock, Knock. There is Officer Schulz to arrest a very puzzled Bo. He thinks it is a joke. No joke.
Shawn & Willow are having a fancy dinner at Chez Rouge, as she mentions she cannot believe she is eating escargot. Shawn informs her that is snails. LOL. He looks over the menu, noting the brains and sweetbreads, deciding he will just have a steak. Abby comes up, telling him there is a message for him from Bo, that he wants to see him. Shawn is ready to ignore it, but Abby says his father has been arrested, and needs him.And the previews roll…….
MAX: Don’t worry about me, Abby, I know what I’m doing, okay? Abby: If that’s true, then why do you seem to not have a clue that mimi is falling for you?
ABE, angrily,TO JOHN: We’re done talking about EJ Wells. It’s over. Now do I make myself clear. (Bo is in the background)

EJ TO SAMI: I’m not beyond forgiveness….am I?
HOPE TO BO: I can’t continue on this ride with you any longer. It’s over.
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