Top 10 Reasons We LOVE to Hate Sami Brady


Staff member
Nov 23, 2006
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Please remember that these were done back in 2001-2002

10. Kate & Lucas - Sami has spit in the face of her future mother-in-law, left her for dead as she collapsed and lay bleeding. She lied about Lucas hitting Will, plotted with Nicole to get Lucas drinking again, gloated over Kate’s comedown from the corporate world, refuses to let Will see his Lucas. She has Kate Roberts, one-time Titan executive, eating from the palm of her hand. When Kate tries to expose her dirty deeds, Sami turns the tables by exposing Lucas's dirty deeds. Sami blackmails Kate for a job at Titan. She causes Victor's second stroke, gets herself into the Kiriakis guest house, and forces Lucas and Kate to grant her sole custody of Will. Sami is smart enough to wedge Kate Roberts under her thumb so many times, yet the only job she can get is answering phones at the hospital? Something is definitely wrong with this picture folks.

9. Family –Somehow Sami has magically made her parents, grandparents and Austin forget her past and make them believe she’s changed. Everyone seems to have completely forgotten she has been a hellion to both her sisters. She ran away from home, never letting anyone know if she was o.k. One minute you are crying for her on death row. Next thing, you are laughing because she has spaghetti on her boobs. (Only Sami can do this, and still look sexy!). Then you hate her because she says Lucas hit Will, and has never told the truth about it. Not to mention she was a source of endless torment and grief to her parents, Marlena, Roman, and John. She has never met a back she couldn’t stab…….but still manages to make her family see her as angelic.

8. Brandon - She only loves the man she happens to be seducing at the time, which makes
Brandon gullible and easy prey. She always know which buttons to push to get him drooling. She’ll take Austin “the Clueless” Reed over Brandon “I've gotta body and a Brain” Walker”. She’s mad cause Brandon has moved on, so disses his date, even tho she knows it makes him angry. She flaunts her ring to her one friend (Brandon) and then prepares to cry because he is no longer sniffing after her like a lovesick hounddog! She wants her cake, PLUS the extra helping of whipped cream on the side. We think she should be with a man who can handle her instead of her handling him.

7. MOTHER OF THE YEAR….That title should have gone to our Sami, who cried for years about needing custody of her son, and the very first night, she gets a sitter and goes off dancing with Brandon. Most of her life has been spent trying to make Austin, Will and her be a family, but the only time spent with Will is taking him for ice cream. And the icing on the cake is when she stayed overnite at Austin’s apt. either leaving Will alone in her apt., or when she tiptoed back across the hall in her nighty….left Will behind in Austin’s apt. Yep, no spoiling of Will allowed. He is going to learn how to live w/o his real father, rarely see his grandmother, change schools and bedrooms who knows how often, and be caught in grown-up arguments about adultery and bribery. And when she wants to play patty-cake with Austin, heck , Sami will just send Will off to bed, even if it is only 2:00 in the afternoon.

6. HER DREAM JOB –We should all be so lucky! Come to work late, immediately take a break, go out for a 3 hour lunch with fiance, dress like a hooker, and doesn’t get fired. She somehow gets Larry to cover for her, no matter how many hours she is missing. It’s a wonder Nurse Brenda never notices her continual absence. (Maybe she is blackmailing her, too!) Not only that, but she makes enough money to take personal leave for weeks at a time to travel to Europe for a coronation and to Italy with Brandon. Seems to pay very well, as she goes shopping all the time, rarely worries about rent, utilities or credit card payments. And she does all this after being a highschool dropout, never even bothering to get her GED.

5. SCHMOOZING AUSTIN…Even though she drugged Austin, faked amnesia, lied about him being Will's father, pretended paralysis, and had a hand in setting up the break up of his marriage with Carrie, he still ends up loving her! With Sami's history of being more evil than Jezebel, she has convinced everyone including Austin and all of her family that she is pure as the new fallen snow. Slush is more like it! Hopefully Nicole will take her down a rung and Sami will learn how to schmooz like a pro. If anyone can get Austin’s attention, Nik is the one! But who else but Sami, after scheming her way into a proposal, tells her beloved the ring he picked out isn’t good enough, choosing instead one he really cannot afford, then flashes it in everyone’s face, as if she just discovered a cure for cancer. But Austin just can’t or won’t see thru her. Sami is so jealous, she wants Austin to quit his lucrative job and move to the country (how would he pay for that farm, Sami?) just to get him away from Nicole.

4. B-WITCHED –Sami is a royal, first class, conniving B-witching young lady. She is beautiful, sexy, and evil spelled with a Capital D. All she wants is to feel loved….she just goes about it wrong. She makes things interesting, as she accepts any challenge that comes her way, and goes about it in a manner that makes you actually hate the other person. . She is sooooo in control and has to get what she wants. She can’t bring home the bacon, or fry it up in a pan, and she never, never lets us forget that she is sooo bad, that we love her to pieces, all the while hating her, and not since J.R. Ewing, have we waited so breathlessly for someone to get her just desserts. Who else in Salem deserves our wrath so much? We just want to hate Lexie, but we don’t LOVE to hate her. And what about "that quivering bottom lip, those big fake tears when Sami’s not getting what she wants. She's so horrible that it's truly a gratifying, hilarious, and priceless moment whenever anyone rips into her or gets the better of her. Watching Nicole, Brandon, Kate, Lexie, Brady, Carrie, and Lucas insult her, deck her, chew her out and flat out beat her at her own game, are some of the best highlights of Days.

3. SISTERLY LOVE – Sami gives new meaning to the term. She did everything in her power to steal her big sister Carrie’s boyfriend, (And even had the audacity to want to wear Carrie's gown and use the wedding band Carrie had intended to use when SHE married Austin!!) and it made no difference after he became Carrie’s husband. She drugged and raped her sister’s boyfriend, and later broke up her sister’s marriage to find a father figure for her son. She changed paternity records, then kidnapped her baby sister Belle, and tried to sell her on the black market, then sweetly asks that same sister to be her bridesmaid. She's a real spider woman, always spinning her webs and tangling everyone up!

2. SELFISH – Sami is the most selfish, manipulative and self-centered person in Salem. It is “Me, Me, Me”, and if attention is focused on someone else, she makes sure the spotlight is turned back in her direction. Crashing a party in honor of your aunt, to steal the thunder and announce your engagement. You can always tell when Sami is lying…..her lips are moving. As if it wasn’t bad enough her sneaking, lying and cheating drove her sister out of town, she claims to be a changed person, and lied about that, too! She gives new meaning to the phrase "letting it all hang out." In Sami's case, it literally does, all the time .. especially into plates of food. If we see Sami smiling, we know she is plotting! Blackmail, Black heart…interesting how the word “Black” can be applied to Sami in so many ways, even though Roman’s her daddy, LOL)

1. HER TRASHY WARDROBE-. Sami and the case of the Spaghetti ala Boobs. Boobs in spaghetti, Boobs sticking out in the dead of winter. Boobs everywhere... Sami dresses in the style of Boobalocity. When she enters a scene, there should be an accompanying warning. It could be called a BA, Boob Alert. Similar to weather alerts. Sami dresses like a street walker, even when she's working at the hospital, Low cut, short and skin tight , Salem's Lolita loves advertising her assets. Ever since she went undercover at the strip club, she seems to have acquired a taste for the clothes featured at Tramps ” R “ Us. Besides a teenager or a prostitute, who else would wear such *bleep* outfits? Whether for her appearances at work, or just casual hanging out, Sami seems to wear just a tad more than a pasty and a G-string.

We just LOVE to hate Sami, cause it’s so much FUN!
There was a time when the character of Sami was really showing some substantial character growth. She started being less selfish, she did things for others benefit and not hers. She sacrificed her happiness to save her family and loved ones. That happened in a span of a couple of years and she still maintained the same feistiness that made her "Sami".

Since about mid 2007 she's been behaving in a way that I don't recognize at all. She's had her moments of lucidity since mid 2007 but a good amount of the time the writing for Sami has been horrid. Maybe soon we'll see a change, but I feel that I've been at this point before only to be disappointed because when we do get a change it's only temporary and we get this again a few months later.
I gotta cut the girl some slack here. I loved reading and remembering all the wild and crazy things they have had dear Sami do over the years. I love it when she has her dander up and starts slugging away or putting herself into high gear over some really stupid thing. I would like to see her become a bit more mature, but Sami is Sami after all. Love or hate her, she's great!!

That title should have gone to our Sami, who cried for years about needing custody of her son, and the very first night, she gets a sitter and goes off dancing with Brandon.

On the money.

The wasted years I have spent listening to Sami having to have Lucas so her Will and he can be a real family. I guess little Allie didn't deserve a family.
HER TRASHY WARDROBE-. Sami and the case of the Spaghetti ala Boobs. Boobs in spaghetti, Boobs sticking out in the dead of winter. Boobs everywhere... Sami dresses in the style of Boobalocity. When she enters a scene, there should be an accompaning warning. It could be called a BA, Boob Alert. Similar to weather alerts. Sami dresses like a street walker, even when she's working at the hospital, Low cut, short and skin tight , Salem's Lolita loves advertising her assets. Ever since she went undercover at the strip club, she seems to have acquired a taste for the clothes featured at *bleep* ” R “ Us. Besides a teenager or a prostitute, who else would wear such *bleep* outfits? Whether for her appearances at work, or just casual hanging out, Sami seems to wear just a tad more than a pasty and a G-string.
:rotfl: :rotfl::rotfl:
We just LOVE to hate Sami, because it’s so much FUN!
Is it just me but I didn't seem to notice this problem when she was with either Rafe or Lucas?

I wish they would dress the characters appropriately for their characters not for how the actresses playing the part want to look.
It would be funny to see a Part 2 to this using 2002 til now but then again it would probably be the same with only a few name changes.