Titan TV Interviews

Reply from Sami Brady: What a stoopid loser. Doesn't even have the decency to apologize to me for kidnapping me and holding me hostage.

Reply from Titan interviewer: Did you apologize for shooting EJ DiMera in the head? Kidnapping your infant sister and trying to sell her on the black market?

Reply from Sami: Did that doodyhead John Black ever apologize to me for ruining my life when he had sex with mom on the Titan conference room table???

Reply from Titan interviewer: OK, well, that's all the time we have. Join us next time for another fascinating Titan TV interview, folks!
Titan TV has managed to get an interview with Steve.

Q: First of all, do you really need that patch or is it just for show?
A: No comment, but if you check out my photos that are posted online, you’ll have your answer.

Q: What’s going on with your partner, John Black?
A: He’s off to Greece — something related to the Konstantin affair. Hopefully, I won’t have to bail him out.

Q: How does your wife, Kayla, deal with your risky missions and sudden absences?
A: Sweetness is the best. She puts up with a lot, but she always stands behind me.

Q: Were you really once a tool of Stefano DiMera?
A; Sadly, yes, but that could happen to anyone in this town. Just ask around.

Q: How’s your son doing in Hong Kong?
A: Great, and I don’t have to worry about him getting involved in typical Salem crises.

Q: Did you really once buy pizzas for your fellow patients with the attendant’s credit card while in a medical facility?
A: Sure did. And those were great pizzas too.

Q: Finally, what’s your take on Salem today?
A: Same old, same old. A lot of people thought that things would change when Stefano died, but of course they didn’t. There are always evil-minded trouble makers turning up in this town.
Titan TV was able to get an quick interview with Gwennie T. as she fled town.

Q: Did you really think your scheme to change Victor’s will would work?
A: Why not? People are always plotting in this town. Why not me? As the old saying goes, “nothing ventured, nothing gained.”

Q: What’s the status of your marriage to Alex?
A: Who cares? If he doesn’t have Victor’s billions, there’s no point to the whole thing.

Q: How could you steal his inheritance from Xander?
A: Why not? Hasn’t he put people in cages and crawl spaces? Besides, didn’t he just win a pile of money in the British Open?

Q: Didn’t you know that was golfer Xander Schauffele?
A: Oops. I can’t keep all these Xanders straight.

Q: Are you still concerned about your son, Tater Tot, and Holly Jonas?
A: Are you kidding? I’ve got a lot more to worry about now than a teen romance.

Q: What are your future plans?
A: Plans? First I have to figure out if I have a future.
Titan TV grabs a quick interview with Gwennie T. as she hurries out of Salem.

Q: Any comment on your joining with Konstantin to cheat Xander out of his inheritance?
A: Let’s just say that it seemed like a good idea at the time.

Q: Are you concerned that your actions might cause you legal trouble?
A: Not at all. Rafe Hernandez is in a coma and Detective Hunter is obsessed with that weirdo, Bobby/Everett.

Q: Any regrets on leaving Salem?
A: Not really. If I have any regrets, it’s that I didn’t leave sooner.

Q: Are you worried about your son, Tate, when you’re gone?
A: Not at all. The kid never listened to me anyway. Brady will look out for him, assuming he stays sober.

Q: What about your marriage to Alex Kiriakis?
A: It’s done, kaput. If he doesn’t have Victor’s money, there’s no point to it.

Q: Finally, did people ever mention your resemblance to Gwen Rizczech?
A: All the time. I got really sick of it. I prefer to think that she looks like me.
Xander has graciously granted an interview to Titan TV.

Q: How does it feel to be a married man?
A: Marvelous, mate. My life is now complete.

Q: Do you feel up to running Titan?
A: Sure thing. I’ve done the job before. Besides, if Brady, Alex, and Sonny Boy can do the job, I certainly can.

Q: Will you be hiring a special assistant?
A: It’s on the table, but it’s a shame my old pal Charlie Dale is no longer with us.

Q: Might you consider columnist Leo Stark?
A: Surely you jest. Leo should stick to scandalmongering for the Spectator.

Q: Would you consider hiring your relatives?
A: Alex is a possibility if he can keep his pants on. Brady is out. He’s really gone off the rails. He’s reportedly back on the bottle and is actually trying to keep his son away from his little girlfriend. Unbelievable.

Q: Do you see DiMera as a threat?
A: No way, no how. With the likes of Kristen in charge and EJ looking for revenge, that place is a joke.

Q: Will you have time to work out now that you’re CEO?
A: Certainly. I’m having an executive gym put in next to my office. Without my muscular physique, I just wouldn’t be Xander.
Against Justin’s advice, Brady has granted an interview to Titan TV.

Q: Let’s get to the point. Were you driving the car that ran down Sarah?
A: Yes, of course.

Q: How do you know?
A: I just do. I’m a bad person. I’m very bad, very bad.

Q: What makes you say that?
A: Well, for one, I woke up in the driver’s seat. That means there’s no doubt I did it. No doubt, no doubt.

Q: How do you know somebody didn’t put you there to cover-up their own culpability? Stuff like that happens in Salem.
A: That didn’t happen. No way. When I’m dead drunk, I’m an immovable object.

Q: How do you know?
A: I just do.

Q: How do you feel about being released with no charges filed?
A: Terrible. I deserve to be in jail.

Q: How did you feel when Xander threatened you with a baseball bat?
A: Calm acceptance. I deserve to have my head bashed in.

Q: What about your children, Rachel and Tater Tot?
A: They’ll be better off without me. Tate would be free to fool around with his hot girlfriend and Kristen will spoil Rachel rotten.

Q: Isn’t there a some chance that you’ll be proven innocent?
A: No way. There is no Easter Bunny or if there is, he never comes to Salem. Parents have to buy their kids Easter candy.
Somewhere in Salem, this is Justin while watching the interview:
