thoughts and opinions on current storylines (poll)

What is the most annoying storyline?

  • Total voters
So hard to choose.

I voted for all but JJ/Eve, because that is too stupid for words, and I'm not annoyed by either character per se. But I AM annoyed by Nicole's pathetic groveling, Daniel in general, Will's stupidity/blame shifting, Sonny's new backstory, Brady in general, and Jeannie T.
Since there was not an "all of the above" button, I chose JJ and Eve. What has happened to our show? Where is the Lucas/Adrienne button? I'm sorry, but this whole "ambiguous" adult age ranges is getting a bit old. Lets be honest, Eve, Hope, Adrienne, Kristen, Kate, Jennifer (did I leave anyone out?) are all well over 40, some over 50 and they have these beautiful, mature women prancing around like teenagers and bedding boys who, years ago, were the age of their children, or friends of their children. Please stop insulting the intelligence of those of us who actually remember what happened 20+ years ago. My DVR is getting a workout these days.
I'm most ANNOYED by Brady and Jeannie Theresa. 2 incompatible and annoying characters who will likely be foreced together due to the baby.

I'm equally REPULSED by Daniel/Nicole and Eve/JJ. 2 incompatible couples with no chemistry and pathetic writing for the female.

I have no issue with Will and Sonny. Is it my favorite storyline right now? No. But it's incomparable to the other 3.