thoughts and opinions on current storylines (poll)

What is the most annoying storyline?

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Dec 31, 1969
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Pekin, Indiana
I like Theresa's character, it’s the best storyline right now. It kind of reminds me of the old Days and the DiMera plots. I like to see more of Brady and Theresa, I hope she gets a shot of happiness. It is obvious that she loves Brady, and it wasn’t like he wasn’t using her in the beginning to help himself get over Kristen, and the other 2 dead girls he was in love with. The guy had some bad luck with women. It’s about time he had some happiness.
I used to want Nicole and Brady together and she deserves a baby too. Nicole never gets a break from anyone. I think Lucas and Nicole need better storylines, they are good actors and entertain us when they have a good storyline.
Doctor Dan needs a clue, in all the relationships he has been in nothing is ever his fault, I'm sorry but I never met a man on this planet that is goody two shoes like him...Please!

Victor, almost gets Sonny killed and then he thinks he has the right to be the moral police. It's ok for Justin to cheat for the 100th time. Adrienne has stood by him and gave him chance after chance, and she is the bad person. I think he needs to be put in a nursing home, because that’s just crazy!!!

The JJ and Eve, Jenn and Abigail is so boring... thank god for DVR! I fast forward through that ridiculousness. It seems like it has been dragging on forever. Of course Dan has to be in there business, with the moral crap, he sounds like Victor raised him…LOL!

WILL! What the heck happened to that guy? I think that storyline is boring also, but I have to say Sonny is a good actor! I like his character. I think they can do so much with storylines and not just on that he is gay. They should let Will and Sonny make up and become friends with Paul. Then when Will starts digging in Clyde’s background a whole danger and mysterious storyline starts. They are all dragged into it, as well as Chad because he feels guilty cause he put Will and Sonny in danger. Then they will need Hope, John and Rafe to help.

I think when Will is doing the story they find out about EJ's shooting, and why Sonny got stabbed. That will really blow up in Victor's face. He needs to be knocked down a peg or two. Just finding out about EJ will take the story will is writing to a whole new level. It would be nice to see Chad and Will working together to get justice for EJ. Then the other side of the coin would be justice for Sonny getting stabbed. Will would be a good guy again. Victor and Clyde go to jail and just because Kate is dating him, Lucas’ wonderful mother Kate get's fired. Kate has no shame, how could she do that to her son, that has always been there for her.

Well folks that’s my thoughts!
I hate all of them, but I chose Nicole & Daniel. The back & forth of them is terrible, just like Daniel's back and forth with Jennifer! One minute, he's not trusting her because he thinks she loves Eric, and refuses to be with her. The next, he's angry because she gets coffee with another man! He's so full of himself, and Nicole annoys me by taking all of it and continuing to chase this guy!!! HORRIBLE!!!!
Oh, I do get annoying. Since Ido summaries, and cannot FF. all the more reason for me to get super irritated. However MOST annoying is JJ & Eve. Has dragged on entirely too long. Eve really needs to get out of the kiddy end of the pool and venture over into the deep water. I know she can swim. LOL. The story just keeps repeating itself over and over and over.

The Will & Sonny tale is still having it's ups and downs, but hasn't reached complete annoyance yet, for me.
Brady & Theresa ended long ago. There is nothing between them currently, and if it is meant to include Kristen's current appearance with a baby, and attempting to kidnap Theresa, while Brady has ridden in on his white horse to claim said child......heck, that just started.

As to Nicole & Dan.....Again, dragged out too long, too repitious, and while I could have selected that one.....MOST annoying was JJ & Eve. Dan & Nicole are a close 2nd. LOL
I find the JJ/Eve and the Daniel/Nicole storylines the most annoying. JJ/Eve should have been over two months ago, and Daniel has irritated me for the longest time.

Will has been driving me crazy and before too long this storyline will probably reach the same level as the other two, but it has not been on as long so my tolerance level is a bit better. It probably helps that I love Sonny and he makes the scenes bearable. Plus, we get to see baby Ari on occasion.

I find Brady and Theresa the least annoying of this group, and I am in the minority that is actually rooting for Theresa to turn herself around and become a viable character on the show. While I am interested in seeing how the baby storyline plays out, I feel that Brady and Theresa have played out as a couple, but I would like to see them as coparents with their son. Unless they both undergo a personality transplant, I don't think either one of them is ready for a serious relationship.
I put JJ and Eve, but like many, I wanted to chose all of the above. Dan is a pompous jerk, Nicole is wasted on him and has been turned into a needy, desperate woman (the way she asked Daniel if she was disappointed in her because SHE HAD TO WORK had me yelling at the TV!!!!) with no backbone, and I absolutely do not care about the Theresa/Brady/Kristen/baby Melanie and baby Christopher debacle. I really, really wish that never happened and I would be O.K. if this storyline just disappeared, like the Halloween figure a couple of years ago. Heck, I would rather find out who this was than watch this stupid baby/foetus kidnapping crap.
Nicole and Daniel. Would they just please go their separate ways already? Why are they writing Nicole as this needy person? So tired of the bickering back and forth between the two. This isn't good drama, it's a root canal torture.

JJ and Eve at least brings drama. But still hate it, because it isn't nearly over yet. How long are they intending to milk this plot? Does anyone care or anyone left by the end to matters?
My thoughts are:

The journalistic investigation Will does on the Clyde story will lead him into very deep and dangerous waters causing Clyde and his gang to go after him. Kate comes to the rescue getting caught in the cross fire, shot and in critical condition causing an indepth investigation which will result in the full disclosure, downfall, arrest and conviction of the POPLAR BLUFF GANG for the murder of E.J. and all other criminal injustices