Theresa and the baby

Theresa doesn't LIKE Daniel because he rejected her sexual advances. Also, because he knows exactly what she has done. She trusts his doctoring skills, but doesn't LIKE him. So now she thinks that keeping him away from her and her baby is going to help the little one. It is THERESA who is letting her personal feelings interfere with her baby's care, And I do truly hope someone is able to make her see that.
Daniel saved Theresa's life, and she is as ungrateful to him, as she is to everyone who helps her, is nice to her, gives her a break, etc.
When Theresa and Daniel were speaking he told her that there was another doctor there that was qualified to do the procedures. So no the baby's care isn't suffering and neither is Theresa's. It's not just that Daniel rejected Theresa it's that he and she have gotten into it several times and they both have gotten ugly and threatened each other. So she doesn't trust him. It's more than ok for another doctor to care for her and the baby. Daniel did not indicate at all to Theresa, Brady or any other person that it was imperative that he be their doctor in order to get the best care possible so, no, Theresa's feelings are not interfering with her baby's care.

I was wondering if I missed something or a scene was cut because I didn't see either Brady or Theresa authorize Daniel to text all the extended family about the baby's care.