The storylines..........and writers


Staff member
Nov 23, 2006
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I think that most viewers can certainly see for themselves, why the head honchos finally decided to make a change in head writers. Like the Titantic, Days had hit an iceberg, and was rapidly sinking, and the idiots in charge finally realized that they needed more lifeboats.

The stories have been moving at a snail's pace, the characters invented and brought on by the present team have been trapped in boring tales that hold no interest, being they are stretched out so long, the only result is "who cares"?

The shame is....they know the problem, they have finally decided to fix it, but their shooting schedule means the viewers won't see anything for 6 months. They will continue to be bored, to complain about the stupidity, to FF, and even stop watching.
Viewers are coming off a nasty, mean winter that is not over in some areas. Miserable weather that is supposed to be spring, but certainly doesn't feel like it ...all over the country. Viewers so looking forward to warmer weather, summer, gardens, fresh veggies, sunshine......and yet are being told they have to wait until Fall, the red and gold of leaves, END of gardens, fruit trees, fresh veggies, vacations, etc., stuff they have not even seen yet.......... and winter again, before seeing any kind of change. Boo Hiss.
Yes, I agree. While the writers have made a few really good episodes, they've been disappointing---that's an understatement. The lack of romance, vets given filler material while newbies are, for the most part, bland and boring. Everything is about sex, and cougar couples at that! I get that hookup culture nowadays is popular, as is divorce, but it's SO unrealistic that there are hardly any couples in Salem, and certainly hardly any happy couples that last for a long time. I get that it's a soap, but not every storyline has to revolved around cheating or misery. Then there's unbelievable stuff, like the embryo thing going on. Ridiculous. I can't wait until late summer/fall, to see what the new writers have in store for us. Hopefully it will be great.
I guess we can only hope that we see some of the new material sooner?

Vets are lucky at this point to be even written as filler. Look at Rafe and for a long time John. They were hardly on and still are to some extent. Poor Roman too. No reason why any of these characters can't have a storyline or 2.

And the show has way too much isolation. Even when we do like new characters, they are still written with only 1 or 2 other characters primarily. Aiden is a prime example.

I hope the new writers get back to ensemble show and show us different generations mixing it up and I don't mean sexually. Last week was a great example.
I really wish they would just edit the episodes down attach them to the next episode skip episodes some if needed. No one would notice since there are no seasons dates or holidays . Then stop taping so far ahead. Unused stuff can be "stock footage" lol if they need a flashback .
And the show has way too much isolation. Even when we do like new characters, they are still written with only 1 or 2 other characters primarily. Aiden is a prime example.

How so? Aiden has been interacting more and more with other characters. He's even forged a friendship with Nicole - which makes no sense to me, but whatever.
Aiden is an attorney, has been in Salem at least a year. And while he repped JJ, so had a couple of scenes with Jen.......he really has been mostly seen with Hope. Period. But that is the case with many characters. At least the ones we see. Why isn't Caroline in a scene with Hope and Aiden? k Why are both Hope and Aiden not seen at all with Will.......and Sonny?
And therein lies the big problem. Interaction. That is what was so great about the April 2/3 episodes. There was a lot of interaction among characters who usually are not seen together.

Why isn't Rafe involved more with Hope, and thus Aiden? Ex-fellow cops. Ex-inlaws.
Why can't Hope, Ciara, Kayla, Theresa, Eve, Caroline, Roman, Eric have a meal together? A family? Heck, just all in the same room, they don't even have to be sitting at a big table.

Same goes for Daniel, Parker, melanie. Victor. Maggie, Brady, John, Marlena

Days consistenly has families all twisted into intermingled relationships. So why are these then ignored? Families do get together for birthdays anniversaries, holidays, and "just because"/
Isolated character do not go over. Just think of how, of late, Serena, Eric, Eve, Jen and I can make a long list...are so isolated to only interact with a few characters.

Dear Days....Rory is a keeper. Cannot say the same for Cole.
I think the writers are writing these hookups and breakups and messy baby daddy stories like this because that is what the younger generation is doing and they are trying to appeal to the younger demographic.

Where I am from (small town which reminds me of the closed ecosystem that Days has) people slept with each other's partners, had baby scares and paternity mistakes all of the time and still continued to interact with each other all of the time. That is why I had to get out of there. Now that is the demographic (think Maury, Jerry Springer, etc) the writers are writing for, unfairly ignoring the fan base that made the show so strong.

Hopefully the new writers right this sinking ship and find a fair balance in material. As for the unbelievable stuff (ie embryo switch), I love the creativity just like Marlena's possession, Sami on death row and nighttime Hope to name a few. Those plot twists keep the show entertaining in my opinion.

But I do miss the family and friends social element that used to be much stronger.
I don't see why at a certain point the show can't just do a flash forward of 6-7 months. There can be a cliffhanger Friday episode, then the next week on Monday it will be a few months ahead with newer material. Whatever has been taped could be used as flashback scenes to explain some storylines and questions the audience might have and/or used for driving future storylines.
I remember when Desperate Housewives did that and I was like what happened? LOL, but it was great to because it created mystery and intrigue. I think it would be the only direction DAYS can go in to save this sinking ship. I don't think any soap opera has ever done it before.
I remember when Desperate Housewives did that and I was like what happened? LOL, but it was great to because it created mystery and intrigue. I think it would be the only direction DAYS can go in to save this sinking ship. I don't think any soap opera has ever done it before.

Dallas came close with the dream season. The reasoning was to get Patrick Duffy back on the show without bringing him back from the dead. But it actually worked like a charm because that was an awful season. So all the bad stuff got erased.
Hmm...I liked most of the Dream Season. And they were technically running a year behind for most of that season, as Jenna didn't give birth to Lucas (conceived late in the 1984-1985 season) until the (if memory serves) 2nd to last episode of the 1986-1987 season. But back to topic, I don't think it's been done on daytime television. That being said, I really don't think they'll do it.

Do we have any way of knowing if 'edits' or 'additions' were made? Jason47??
The Bob Newhart show did the dream show and all the episodes of him being an innkeeper were a dream... that was great!

That would be a great thing for Days to do, go back and make most of this past year a bad dream for one of them..Yes, it would mean trashing all that was filmed but it would be better over all.