The elephant in the room


Well-Known Member
Feb 12, 2009
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Well the one in Eric's room that is. Just what is so friggin special about it? We have been told that Serena wants to switch it with another one but we haven't been told why. We haven't been told who is nagging her to do it. Why in the hell should we give a crap about that stupid elephant. The only thing coming from this story is Serena is a witch and Eric is a moron. Talk about dropping the ball in what could have been a really good mystery. There's nothing compelling about this story at all.
We can guess all we want........but the general thought is that there is something hidden in Eric's elephant. No idea why it has taken Serena so long to come for it.....(just remember that Eric left Africa, went to the seminary, became a priest and was assigned to St. Luke's about a year before the trouble. You do not study in the seminary for a few months or a year. It is several years.
Am guessing that whatever was hidden in that elephant is valuable, and was done because either Eric was leaving right then, or because he would probably be able to have it done easier than someone else.
Whoever is impatiently calling Serena.........waited all these years, but is impatient NOW???
First of all, WORD UP. An on-point diagnosis of what's wrong with this story.

Secondly, I agree that the ball was dropped, the pacing has been terrible, and nobody (including I assume the writers) has any idea for whom Serena's working. My guess is Bill Horton because he's in Africa, and to the Days writers, Africa is Africa is Africa, LOL.

As I mentioned in another thread, there's nobody to root for. I hate Eric and could care less he's being scammed; I wanted to like Serena but her constant vitriol toward Nicole made that impossible. I might be interested if I knew what the elephant was/had/possessed that made it switch-worthy, or if I knew for whom she was working, though. But those ships have sailed.
Nope, not liking this storyline either. It's boring. And as Jason said, nobody to root for. I can't stand either Eric OR Serena, so I hope they both go down in flames and end up alone and miserable (at least for a while). But as for the elephant, and something being hidden in it...maybe, to make it more realistic, there's "blood diamonds" in there, or something? That IS a huge problem out there, after all, and could make the story a bit more intriguing.
My issue is that this storyline should have been done over a year ago. Why are we suddenly learning that Eric has this huge art collection? Too many plot holes here.

And I'm only interested in this storyline if it leads to a HUGE and I mean HUGE redemption for Eric.
Interesting, don't priests take a vow of poverty? If so, then he would have been expected to sell, donate or give away all such valuable items.
Some day, we will find out. Daniel was really admiring it, so wonder if he gives it to him??

For right now, for some reason, Eric's elephant is important to Serena, who is desperate to get it into her own hands. At first, I thought the elephant itself was valuable, but that was before Serena brought out her identical one. So....something must be hidden inside. Whatever it is, it must have been important to get it out of Africa via some totally innocent party.
Interesting, don't priests take a vow of poverty? If so, then he would have been expected to sell, donate or give away all such valuable items.

Eric may think the items are of no real value.

Plus, I've known priests who live quite well, drive nice cars, have nice artwork in their private quarters, etc.
Secondly, I agree that the ball was dropped, the pacing has been terrible, and nobody (including I assume the writers) has any idea for whom Serena's working. My guess is Bill Horton because he's in Africa, and to the Days writers, Africa is Africa is Africa, LOL.
Maybe Stefano miniaturized Bill Horton and he's trapped inside the elephant. Serena is working with Alice Horton's ghost to help free her son. :sarcasm:
@eweiner........usually, the vow of poverty may be a special one, taken by certain monks who live in a monastery. Priests get compensation for their services, just as ministers, rabbis, etc. do in most religions.

And, like every other story on Days, dragging this elephant thing out forever has taken away any interest in the outcome. (And I have read similar remarks by mag writers, who complain of the filler material, dragging out of story, it is not just the viewers' imaginations)
Maybe Stefano miniaturized Bill Horton and he's trapped inside the elephant. Serena is working with Alice Horton's ghost to help free her son. :sarcasm:

Now that would be a strange story, but one that might be worth watching if it moved along. Then we could have the mighty Salem PD arrest Stefano and he offers the "growing" cure in exchange for his freedom.

Yeah, like that would ever happen, giving a known criminal a free pass for something so silly.:sarcasm:
Daniel was really admiring it, so wonder if he gives it to him??

I was thinking the same thing. Of course Eric will give the elephant to Daniel. After all, we can't let Miracle Dan not be part of a storyline, now can we ? :rolleyes: And this way, Melanie can eventually be involved too. After all, we don't see enough of Dan and Mel as it is ! :rolleyes::beat:
And if it is diamonds, rubies, emeralds, a key to the known universe and all it's secrets, WHAT IS TAKING SO LONG for Serena to pick it up, put it in her purse, and skeedaddle to meet whomever is squawking about it??? Do these people not HAVE voice mail on their phones???? This storyline is SO contrived and SO poorly paced AND SO BLAND... :angry: What really gets me is that it's taking up so much screen time that could & should be given to storylines that matter - the Will/Paul/Sonny reveal, John & Marlena conversations about their relationship, Hope being scared of a lumbersexual...
Also if one is trying to secretly switch out something in someone else's home so nobody is the wiser then DON'T leave the friggin door wide open. Not only will someone see you, it's not safe and you're letting all the heat out.