
I agree, that at this point, this is one of the few storylines that's interesting. Something else that could change things quite a bit, is if Kate finds out that Clyde is responsible for Sonny's stabbing. When that happens, I seriously doubt she will want to be involved with him, and would most likely be seeking her own revenge.

I don't think she'd really care. She overheard Clyde threatening Jordan and it didn't phase her one bit. Given that she used to be abused herself, you'd think she would have left him then.
I loved seeing Stefano today!! Also loved the interaction with Victor and Stefano's promise not to forget his help. I'm sure this is leading up to Victor and Stefano joining forces to take down Clyde!! Can't wait for that to happen......if it actually does.
Hmmmm. Stefano knows he "owes" Stefano know what Kristen did? If he does, shame on him. If he doesn't, and finds out...would he expose Kristen's plot? I mean, Theresa is a Brady relative, while Brady is a Kiriakis relative.
Stefano does have a way of keeping his own hands clean while others manage to "get the jobs done".
However, I really do want to see Stef & Vic in cahoots to take down Clyde.