
With all the back stabbing, double dealing going on, who knows? Kate is planning to oust Chad, get back at Stefano, Chad is supposedly planning to double cross both Kate & maybe Stefano, too. Victor has a plan, and supposedly is helping Stefano, or maybe Kate, or perhaps....just himself. The plot thickens! LOL
This is probably the best storyline on the show right now! It's all a mystery, and is incorporating the vets (Kate, Victor, and Stefano) in a useful way (not just Kate bullying Jordan or gossiping with Lucas), in addition to Chad, a great actor and character with potential who needs a more interesting storyline than being involved with Abigail and Ben.
Kate's ace in all of this may be her 'relationship' with Clyde. Both Stefano and Victor have reasons to want the hillbilly's hide. And I think Kate's fondness for Clyde has dwindled quite a bit lately. It will definitely be interesting to see how this plays out. Finally, a plot!
This is a wonderful could be plot and one of the best things about it is, in my opinion, it involves grownups, veteran actors with the exception of Chad. And we are all interested and want to see what happens next week because with these writers this board meeting could conceivably last until the end of the month and fizzle out. But for now, it's exciting.
I just caught up and man, I have no idea who will win! The suspense was so good! And that tender moment between Chad and Kate was so conflicting for me. On one hand, it's obvious Chad is sneaky and underhanded and definitely not above tugging those old heartstrings right before he drops a bombshell on Kate in the meeting.

I thought, surely she's not buying it for a second because any interaction with Chad has to be taken with a grain of salt because he's just so good at not letting you know exactly what he's really up to. But of course her self-preservation kicked in and she's still going to screw him over business-wise. BUT, on the other hand, it was nice to see a nod back to Chad's past, to Kate's past (even if the Madeline connection was a manufactured thing and not something we truly witnessed as her past), and it almost made me long for this mother-son connection between Kate and Chad. I have enjoyed their partnership, even if they aren't forthright with one another. I really love how close to the vest Billy Flynn (Chad) had played Chad's intentions.

And Victor! Those scenes were so fun and so plotting and sneaky and I still don't know if he hates Stefano enough to double cross Kate. And boy, do I hope that this is part of Victor's overall plan to take down Clyde! Because as much fun as Kate and Victor being aligned against Stefano could be, it would be even more delicious to see Victor disrupt Kate's plans because it's ultimately about taking down her suitor, the dastardly Clyde. This is the Victor I want to see, the sneaky business schemer.
I think with the 50th coming up they are giving Stefano and Victor a last hurrah. It is looking like the vets are all beginning to get some stories, but will they be back-burnered once the anniversary has passed?
Since Kate had to sign over a large chunk of DiMera stock to Victor, he is definitely in the mix of whatever is going to go down.

Days has been getting a lot of static about their lack of vets in story, and since these scenes were filmed 5-6 months ago, and written a year ago, it appears the writers were told to rectify the stupid refusal to feature vets, and just give them l appearance every week or two.
How surprised was everyone to see the ending of Friday's show with Stefano sitting at the seat on the Board ? I know I sure was. I wonder what is going to happen? :confused:

I agree, that at this point, this is one of the few storylines that's interesting. Something else that could change things quite a bit, is if Kate finds out that Clyde is responsible for Sonny's stabbing. When that happens, I seriously doubt she will want to be involved with him, and would most likely be seeking her own revenge.