SPOILER !! Spoilers - mish/mash

Sure, KathyLu, it happens whether the "angel" is male or female and it can be legitimate. (Kayla and Steve are a good example.) And it is also often, in my opinion, typical of a theme that centers on one partner sublimating their own needs in life for their significant other, leading ultimately to a lack of respect and balance between the two.
The best example of this in real life that I can think of is Betty Broderick. She put her husband through medical school and law school while bearing and raising their children, only to be replaced by a younger woman after he became successful and they became rich. Yes, I know Betty Broderick was a whack job but that really did something to her.

Sorry, Poirot. :back:
Twas a famous case.....I think they even made a movie of it. She went in the house late at night, shot them as they were sleeping. But it WAS a long time ago. I remember seeing the movie.
Yes, Poirot, there was a tv mini-movie series about Betty Broderick. Her last defense was "menopause plus stress".
Interesting......Xander had just a short visit, will be leaving soon, Nicole's visit is also a short one. And then, there is vanishing of Gabi prison story, but headwriter has tweeted that the actress got a movie so he had to keep her in prison a couple weeks longer. However, I have also read that when Gabi is released, she is out for revenge ...Abby & Stefan are the two she will be aiming for.