Speculation Aiden/Meredith

Probably because I don't want to, but I don't agree with any of you! My daughter doesn't watch Days, but is unemployed, so sees it. She doesn't like Aiden either. Says he looks suspicious!!
Well, to my way of thinking, we have plenty of bad boys in Salem. Why destroy Aiden in this way? ONLY if they were bringing Peter Reckell (Bo) back, which is highly HIGHLY unlikely.

I was hoping you all thought about the same as I do about Aiden...this is all some red herring mess to only make him look guilty. I missed him being introduced into the show, but I've seen him enough to think he is a good guy...and better stay that way.

I didn't think of Bree being the nutty one, but that's a good possibility. She's been in Salem, Puget Sound...seems like she IS the one with issues.

I hope the end game won't be an eye-rolling event for us, though! For instance, Detective Hope Brady thinks he's guilty all along, but one little piece of info changes her mind...
Hope has known Aiden for many, many months, knew he was reticent about his previous life, saw how he stopped his son from talking about his mother, or their life back in Portland, and even saw Aiden refusing to even talk about the beach house. She is a cop. She never once did any sort of background check, old newspaper stories, etc. Not even after Bree showed up in Salem, saw Aiden and mentioned knowing him, not a good guy, etc. etc.
Hope happily arranges to go to the beach house (yes, intending to be there only a couple of hours) and now, despite the fact that Bree had said bad things about Aiden back in Salem, had phoned her sister, who told Kayla, who told Hope who did not believe any of it.....now, because Bree once again shows up, claiming to want to find a video......all of a sudden, Hope is all scared, nervous and untrusting. Does Hope stop to think for a second that Bree could have looked for that video ANY TIME during the past year? Does she not think it odd that Bree waits until she sees "Aiden's car".....that has to be a rental. How does she know it was not a realtor, or a buyer checking the place out.
So, yes, Hope is getting panicked, & there will probably be some sort of confrontation about it all. But the set up shows entirely too many holes in what is transpiring.

Tell me, why haven't the parents made sure the kids landed safely in Frisco, and have joined their class? Why is Hope watching a video with Aiden right upstairs, due to come down any minute? Why is she watching video when she talked him into going to the store so she could make breakfast? Why is Aiden back so quickly with 4 big bags of groceries, when he was just at the store the day before, said the store was jammed, people were buying every thing? Plus traffic! Sigghhhh.
I agree with Soaphead's original premise, but I'd switch Bree's affair to being with Meredith. I also strongly think Chase killed his mother, accidentally perhaps, perhaps trying to kill Bree, and has blocked it all out.

I will admit unlike the other "sweeps" stories, this one is suspenseful. Just hope whatever the "truth" is that it is worth the wait (and all of the illogical plot inconveniences as Poirot mentioned).