Speculation Aiden/Meredith


Well-Known Member
Mar 4, 2007
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Ok I am thinking on a couple senarios

1) Aiden's wife filmed that video to frame Aiden

2) That "friend" of hers, Bree, is in on this somehow, maybe she is the nutburger. Maybe she wanted Aiden and she killed Meredith. Meredith, not realizing the truth, because she was drunk or nuts and trusted Bree. Maybe Bree put the thoughts into a vulnerable Meredith's head.

It just seems painfully obvious Aiden will come out of this unscathed.

I know Aiden said she shot herself in front of him but....:confused:

Any other possibilities ?
As I stated in other threads...........I think Chase shot his mother. Perhaps and accident, perhaps to save his Dad, just not sure how it happened. I think Chase has blocked it from his memory and Aiden doesn't want him to go through the pain of remembering.
Ok I am thinking on a couple senarios

1) Aiden's wife filmed that video to frame Aiden

2) That "friend" of hers, Bree, is in on this somehow, maybe she is the nutburger. Maybe she wanted Aiden and she killed Meredith. Meredith, not realizing the truth, because she was drunk or nuts and trusted Bree. Maybe Bree put the thoughts into a vulnerable Meredith's head.

It just seems painfully obvious Aiden will come out of this unscathed.

I know Aiden said she shot herself in front of him but....:confused:

Any other possibilities ?

Many of us have speculated this for weeks now. The are many posts about it in the Daily thread. I think Bree is a woman scorned for sure. She either had an affair with Aiden and he rejected her or he never gave in to her advances.
Oh I think it could be a combination of all of the above with a possibility of either really bad writing or a writer that actually put some thought into it. Aiden and Chase are from Portland (Oregon?). Bree was his wife's best friend. Aiden had to get away from Portland and Bree is a large part of that. So what the hell was Bree doing in Puget Sound just after Aiden and Hope show up. It's not like it is vacation season there.

Bree doesn't pass the smell test of just a friend who thinks the husband did it. Aiden is shielding Chase from details of his mothers death. Chase is a spoiled brat who guilted and snotted his father into taking him to the vacation home.

Aiden should have said no and put his foot down. Regardless of how rich Aiden and Hope may or may not be it would be a complete pain in the butt to change travel plans at the last minute to fly four more people to Puget Sound and then send two of them off to San Fransisco on a field trip after spending less than a day at Puget Sound.

Also just because they may be rich doesn't mean they don't understand what a complete waste of money that was and told both those snotty, over privileged, spoiled brats that they were not invited. Hope should have told Ciara that it would not be appropriate for them to go and if Ciara didn't understand then that was too bad for her.
I also think Bree was infatuated and rejected by Aiden. She was Meredith's friend, knew she had an alcohol problem and that she & Aiden fought a lot. Meredith may have suspected that some "woman" was interested in Aiden but not who. Meredith imagines Aiden wants her gone, and in one of her alcoholic stupors, makes this tape for "the other woman", tells Bree. (or Bree tells her to do it????)
So Bree knows there is a tape. And for the more than a year that Aiden and Chase have lived in Salem, she never once goes to the Puget Sound place, until Aiden is there with Hope???? Puleeze! If she has been so insistent, she would have been over there with her key the day after Aiden was gone.
And what are the chances of Aiden not knowing there was a secret compartment in that desk, which is right there in the living room, he probably used to sit there. Hope easily found it just rummaging.....so ...I am thinking that Bree has had the tape, and put it in the desk knowing that Aiden would be coming. If the real estate man had a key, Bree could easily have gotten in.
What surprises me is that the place was put up for sale without PERSONAL items being removed. Even being sold furnished, personal clothes, items, etc. are usually removed. and if the owner did not want to do it, then the realty would have arranged for it.
Yeahhh, da plot, da plot.
And Osoapie, yep, that is a good idea about Chase. He really has not had anything negative to say about his family life back then, and if they argued all the time, yelling, etc. it is amazing he never heard any of it.
I have to imagine he IS a good guy and this is all a barrel of red herrings. Because if it does turn out Aiden killed his wife, then the character is done. He couldn't continue a relationship with Hope and I doubt the writers would keep him in Salem. Like creepy Liam or the organ-stealing doctor, Ben.
I think the answer will be found if that video is played in its entirety. I definitely think Bree is stalking Aiden and I don't think it was an accident that she ended up in Salem and now in Oregon. Maybe Meredith was assuming her husband was cheating on her and comitted suicide but it was brought on because of Bree driving her to do it.
Salem Spectator should write for days :clap:Glad I'm not the only one suspicious of Bree.
It's crossed my mind about Chase doing it. Nicky Alamain (child at the time) was the cause of Lisanne Gardner's death. Vivan and Lisanne were in a fight when Nicky came in and pulled her off Vivian. Lisanne fell hit her head and died.
The more I read the comments here, the more I think Aiden DID have an affair with Bree, at least once anyway. If he were embarrassed by that, it would explain a lot in terms of why he is so closed off about the past. And it's certainly something he and Hope can get past.