Solar Eclipse Sat/Ring of Fire


Staff member
Dec 29, 2012
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It's cloudy here so I won't get to see it.

rf, where did you get the special glasses?
Full sun here but I don't have the glasses. :cry:

Kat, I think they were available on Amazon and I also heard a lot of the stores like Walmart, Walgreens, etc. had them. I didn't think to order them and I wasn't out anywhere that might have had them.
Same as OC. We don’t have the glasses but the sun is full force
Amazon is where I got them. I was familiar with them from working at a private school part time. I got called in to help with the last eclipse before this one. Extra eyes to make sure the kids wore them properly.

I watched for a while till a bit past peak. I periodically checked up to this point as world championship gymnastics all around was on TV. At my last check, I noticed a new trailer with a man and a boy. I walked over to say hello and offer to let them try my glasses. After they tried, I looked again. At this point, I'd seen enough and gave them the glasses since the boy had enjoyed looking through them.
It will cross part of Texas have to see where budget is then to get the best view