SOD - Best & Worst of 2014


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Dec 23, 2007
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Someone who has the issue posted the results of SOD Best and Worst on twitter today. I'm posting those related to DAYS. I think I got all of them.

Best Story: Sami gets her revenge (this tied with Y&R's "Summer's Paternity" for #1)

Best Goodbye: Kristen

Best New pairing: Aiden and Hope

Most Forced Couple: JJ and Paige

Most Wasted Characters: Nicole, Rafe, John

Worst marital conflict: Will and Sonny - Will's article

Worst Locations (sets): Salem Park

Worst Sibling Drama: Ben and Jordan

Most Disappointing Show: Days of Our Lives
This is a summary of the Most Wasted Characters article that I actually did read.

The article stated that Rafe, Nicole, and John were "shafted" by DAYS with the addition of new faces.

Nicole should've been leading story with Sami exiting instead of trying to restore Eric to the priesthood. "The result was tedious scenes of her pleading for Eric's forgiveness and becoming person non grata in town."

Rafe was dumped into a boring relationship with Jordan and had no idea his sister murdered Nick. "Instead of giving him meaty material in the aftermath, he mostly popped up for meaningless moments with Kate."

"The most galling treatment was saved for John..." They mention the fact that has put into a coma for months and that his comings and goings have become comical.

Article ends with "It's soaps 101: Feature people we care about or risk us not caring at all."
How ironic is it that last year Jen and Daniel were voted Most Forced Couple and this year Jen's son has followed in her footsteps :rotfl:

Why is it that the writers appear incapable of creating natural, interesting relationships for anyone in Jack's family, or anyone in general.
Oh, wow, thank you, cryin'. Perhaps this will open a few eyes among the suits at Days, and shake them a bit, since it seems their e-mail, snail mail, and message boards fail to do so.

SOD has nailed every point. Except that, (in my opinion) while Sami's revenge story was really good, it ended poorly, when Sami decided to overlook all he did.

But I really am glad they pointed out how poorly the character of John, and the actor who portrays him, has been treated. And definitely Nicole, and Rafe.
Haven't read the issue yet but did Carolyn Hinsey write this column? She tends to nail things on the head most of the time except she is very biased towards the EJ/Sami pairing so these comments make sense if she wrote them.

This is the 2nd time in less than 6 months that SOD has called out Days for wasting Rafe. I hope they are reading.

I have also seen countless viewer comments printed in the magazine about the lack of use of Rafe.
cryindays, thank you for posting these. I agree with Soap Opera Digest's picks especially most disappointing show, J.J. and Paige (EVERYTHING about this couple is forced, from her being Eve's daughter to J.J. and Eve's romp). I also think that everyone is being wasted on this show in one way or another.

I can't agree more!!!! They hit the nail on the head with everything! And that last point about Days being the most disappointing soap of the year--true, but I think that will really sting the writers and head honchos. They kept acting as if everyone loved their material or shoving their heads into the sand. Well, now they can't. The people have spoken.

The blunt way they get across many things (like John, Rafe and his relationship with Jordan, or Nicole) is so witty and great.
This is a summary of the Most Wasted Characters article that I actually did read. The article stated that Rafe, Nicole, and John were "shafted" by DAYS with the addition of new faces.

Nicole should've been leading story with Sami exiting instead of trying to restore Eric to the priesthood. "The result was tedious scenes of her pleading for Eric's forgiveness and becoming person non grata in town." [Was she ever. Nicole is arguably the most interesting woman in Salem and deserves far better than to be the town pariah.]

Rafe was dumped into a boring relationship with Jordan and had no idea his sister murdered Nick. "Instead of giving him meaty material in the aftermath, he mostly popped up for meaningless moments with Kate." [Poor Rafe, he's now just an unwanted visitor who keeps popping in on Kate and Jordan. Otherwise, all he does is wander around and gossip. Why couldn't the writers have had him solve the Nick and EJ murders and rid Salem of creepy, rapist, drug-dealing Clyde?]

"The most galling treatment was saved for John..." They mention the fact that has put into a coma for months and that his comings and goings have become comical. [What a way to treat a Days legend: a contrived falling-out with Marlena followed by absurdly inept efforts to "save" Brady from Kristen and Jeannie T., and then a lengthy coma as a prelude to disappearing on a so-called business trip.]
Haven't read the issue yet but did Carolyn Hinsey write this column? She tends to nail things on the head most of the time except she is very biased towards the EJ/Sami pairing so these comments make sense if she wrote them.
When I read Poirot's comments on ranking Sami's Revenge Storyline as #1 my initial thought was that SOD was trying to be diplomatic regarding the EJ Sami fanbase. I'm sure that those fans have been one of the primary groups buying the magazine since Days went "lock stock and barrel" with the pairing. I also think that they've been bleeding other readers since then, given general fan discontent with the show. I don't think its a coincidence that both Nicole and Rafe are mentioned since those are the two actors whose story potential was hit hardest by the "lock, stock and barrel" fiasco.
I still say that aiming ALL blame at the writers isn't the answer. The decision to redirect Rafe and Nicole storylines in order to focus the show on Sami EJ came from higher up than the writing team, and I'd bet that giving Rafe (in particular) less airtime had to do with the priorities of network and SONY suits.

Yes, SOD is finally speaking out, but in my opinion, they also had a hand in the current mess by opting to gear their coverage to marketing to certain fanbases and ignoring other viewer concerns. There was a time when SOD prided itself in being a place that viewers could count on to air all opinions, especially when certain social issues were at stake. However, due to sales declines it no longer seems concerned about how shows handle some social issues if voicing protest might interfere with their sales.