Smooth Move, John! (NOT)

@Whiz Gidget
I hope so! I am beyond sick and tired of Theresa getting away with everything. Back when she was blackmailing JJ I thought that once it came out what she had been doing to him SOMETHING would happen to her, and instead we got everyone conspiring to keep her evil deeds secret so she didn't expose JJ after the fact. She's just gotten progressively worse since. If she gets away with attempted murder without any consequences I am really going to be sick.
For John being some super secret ISA agent spy he really dropped the ball on this one... he turns his back and ends up passed out on the floor from Theresa hitting him over the head...are we serious here? ....the old John Black would have turned around at the blink of an eye, grabbed the poker or whatever it was, snapped it in half in front of Theresa's face, and made her eat it!! such a shame...
In addition to having been in a lengthy coma and having his memory erased by Stefano, working for the ISA is part of John Black's problem. Recall that this inept organization included a DiMera spy who mistakenly ordered the blowing up of the unsafe "safe" house and which thought it had Stefano dead to rights for arms trafficking only to find that he was working with the Feds. It also employed bumbling Billie whose efforts to get EJ to sell out Stefano were laughable. In short, working for the ISA can make people very dumb. The same is true of the Salem P.D. Surely, Rafe and Roman were a lot sharper before joining the world's worst police force.
Agree, they should keep the recording a secret, until they play for the person they want to play it for.

Also thought it was strange for Theresa to yell for help, BEFORE she erased the recording.

John also should have been smart enough not to turn his back on Theresa.