Site updated (2.3.2)


Nov 15, 2006
Reaction score
Largo, FL
Good morning,

The site's underlying software has been updated to v 2.3.2 this morning. Shouldn't be much weird, but I do see that the site's logo has unexpectedly shrunken. I'm looking into it, but right now I'm only getting about 15 minutes in the chair between the need to stand and walk after the surgery.

Looks like we will all be having a new adventure as we navigate the site. Sometimes updating is a really good thing,,,,and other times.....should have left well enough alone.

Trusting your frequent walks around the house get better and easier each time, and gets you back to normal quickly.......
Looks like we will all be having a new adventure as we navigate the site. Sometimes updating is a really good thing,,,,and other times.....should have left well enough alone.
There really isn't a "leave well enough alone". Unfortunately, there's just an "upgrade" button or a "site fails or is hacked significantly" result. Trust me, I wish that what was incorporated into each upgrade was up to us, but we are not the makers of the cheese here, just the flavor testers. :D

Trusting your frequent walks around the house get better and easier each time, and gets you back to normal quickly.......

Thanks Poirot. Some days are better than others. Yesterday I had an unrelated appointment so we got to get out for a moment. Let me tell you, getting to take a shower after a week from surgery, then being able to enjoy fresh air and do a lot of walking (that isn't the mandated "chore" of pre-determined "you will do this three times a day") is a true God send.

By the end of it, I took some pain meds and curled back up into my ball on the bed for the day, but I am happier for it...

Thanks, Wayne.

I noticed the "Like" icons are different now.

I hope your surgery went well.
I feel like Willy Wonka in some ways where -- every time there's an update -- I have to point out "little surprises around every corner, but nothing dangerous..." The one thing I *did* do purposefully is to change the submit and Post Reply button to the brighter blue. Using the site this morning and posting the original thread, I noticed that I couldn't even SEE the Submit / Post Reply button because it blended in with the site's background.

Unfortunately, I'm now noticing there are other functions that rely on that color choice, such as when you highlight text, so please let me know if it gets to be too much..

As for surgery, thank you. Surgery was literally the easy part. I got naked, put on a gown, laid down on a gurney, got all IV'd up by the nurse, woke up 7 hours later in my hospital room after the surgery... NOW is the hard part...
Heck, Wayne...I know it is the software company doing "their thing". one wonders, tho, what made whoever, think that the new idea was an improvement. And I don't mean here, it happens throughout things we deal with all the times, ....whether a shoe design, canned or frozen food, the length of a pants leg, what small, medium and large should be. i.e. I usually can wear Medium.....but sometimes they turn out too small. I wear petite length, yet sometimes turn out too long. Ever buy a "thin cut" pkg of meat, only to find the cut is more thick than thin? lol. And the same shoe size in different shoe styles, has the shoe being too tight, small or big.....

Am glad your surgery went so well, and recovery is on track. Follow Dr. advice....hope you will be back to your ol self quickly. God speed...............
The right side on the home page shows treading content.
You have to go lower if you want to put a message up on the main board.

The emails that you get from replies in topic are different color.

You'll just have to get used to the different colors.
Has anyone see the birthdays pop up since the change? I like seeing those.

I didn't know if we could put tread on the bottom and move profile posts on top.
Birthdays do show up since there's one today.