Silly cow thread - just cow posts

MEANWHILE IN MONTANA: A handful of cows found their way into a newly built home and lived in it for a month before being noticed. The family was moving from Washington. The Aunt was supposed to be checking on the place, but she didn’t. A rancher had filed a report about missing some cattle and even checked their barn, but not the house. They think a bad storm sent them looking for cover. They also think the storm blew a door in or somehow one of the cows nudged one open.

Had same thought! but this is silly cow thread......

Oh, that family arriving to move into their brand new house.........already occupied!! Shock!!
LOL, well, I got a kick out of the signs, as the cows have to be deciding ..which town, since a Kilometer difference......or the other way to Patelybridge, same distance, but.....decisions, decisions. Which would have the better grazing.........or bigger handouts. LOLOL

Now a question.......what does the B 6165 mean? Is that a highway number? (since Harrogate has A 61 listed under that name)
Thanks, Brisby.......that is very clever. Sure helps the driving public, I would think..........
Hard here to decide which route would be easier for some drivers, as there are those who don't want to drive an interstate with 6-8 lanes....those who prefer the quieter two lanes. Heck, tho, there are always those who put the pedal to the metal, no matter the size of the highway, or amount of traffic on it ..........
Oh, that family arriving to move into their brand new house.........already occupied!! Shock!!
My first thought was to wonder if the door stayed open after they were inside because if it blew shut they'd be inside for a month with no water or food. It must have stayed open and they had to be going in and out.