Should Will and Sonny get divorced?

Should they divorce?

  • Yes

    Votes: 19 54.3%
  • No

    Votes: 15 42.9%
  • Other

    Votes: 1 2.9%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
I, for one, do not like Will. When the actor changed, they changed the character too. I don't think the other actor that played Will, Chandler Massey, could have played this "Will" being self centered and ego driven, not caring about the reactions to his actions. The present Will, Guy Wilson, must be doing a good acting job, because I am not liking him (the character) at all. I do however, really like the character of Sonny. always have. He seems to be the loyal caring honest character. So, to answer the question.... I think Sony deserves more than Will and I vote DIVORCE.
Sonny should kick Will to the curb. Not only did Will cheat, lie and and act like a complete ingrate, but there's Sonny in a hospital bed, after hours of surgery and almost dying, taking all of his strength to have this conversation with Will. And what does Will do? He blames Sonny, has a shouting match with him and then when Sonny goes to take his ring off Will grabs his hands and wrestles him so he can't. What a complete piece of crap Will is.

But like I said in another thread Sonny will not make Will leave because he knows he will lose Ari. He's already dreaming about it. I would like to see Sonny go to the mansion when he is released from the hospital.
I am honestly not sure. After they turned Will into Sami Jr. I'm just not liking him as well. On one hand with all the miscommunication I'd like to see them work it out
..but on the other hand, they both kept secrets from each other . :tsk:
and yes, I can, as well. Why would a different actor have Will being any different. Actors follow script, it is what is written. And I could see Chandler Massey grinning while trying to seriously blame Sonny for his infidelity, and saying how sorry he is.

An actor follows the script, and if the character is supposed to be stupid, dumb, mean, annoying, evil, or any other adjective you choose, that is what the actor has to portray. Sure, Will has been a jerk, and still is. But he was always this way. :rolleyes:
I know real life couples who have reconciled after one was unfaithful, with the cheating party seemingly being forgiven. I have 2 aunts that forgave and reunited with their husbands, but one of them later divorced. My mom did it with my dad. My cousin forgave and reunited with her husband, but he cheated again and they divorced permanently. My manager met someone on and cheated on her husband (what she was doing on while married is a whole other story in itself :rotfl:) but they reconciled apparently for the kids, but then later divorced. It does happen in reality, but I don't know if it's more forgiveness or just acceptance that it happened and attempting to move on.
I agree with both of you. For me personally, cheating is a done deal. Bye-bye, you're gone. I could "forgive" (as not to allow the anger and hatred to ruin my life), but I'd never "forget" and I'd never trust the man again.

But as cryin' said, I've known many couples in which one partner (or both partners) cheated and they stayed together. They had their reasons, either for the children, financial matters, etc. I don't know how they do it, but it's not my issue to deal with.
For me, it would be the lack of trust. I'd never again trust the man who cheated on me.

A friend of mine married a man who was previously married three times. He cheated on every wife (AND the girlfriends who were in between the wives). I begged my friend not to marry this clown, but she did anyway. Right now, they're in the smoochy-moochy honeymoon phase, but it's only a matter of time before he cheats on her. When it happens, I pray she kicks his cheating behind to the curb, but I'm afraid she'll think she can "rehabilitate" him and his cheating ways. In the meantime, I just grind my teeth and bite my tongue when she goes on and on about how wonderful this slug is.
A forgivable act in reality? I sure can't agree with that statement.

As someone who has been there in reality, I disagree. It wasn't easy and it was a very long and hard path to forgiveness, but it is most certainly doable in real life. It was not a financial decision and while the children were a factor, they were not the primary reason for me staying or for me forgiving him. It was ultimately about the two of us and our relationship, not the children who would do just fine either way.

Should Will and Sonny divorce over cheating? Eh, I see the underlying issues they have as being a bigger reason to divorce than Will's infidelity. It's what lead to the infidelity that is the problem, not the cheating itself. Will is immature and he reacts immaturely to situations. The things he once admired in Sonny (his experiences and travels) he has now come to resent. He has never really experienced love/lust with any other man than Sonny, so it's natural for there to a be curiosity about whether or not he truly missed out on something. That doesn't excuse or make his cheating right, however. Will needs counseling on his own and he and Sonny need counseling together. The lack of communication between them is a huge part of their problem as well. They're both torn between their work and other obligations and couldn't sit down and talk one-on-one. Sonny made more of an effort to do so than Will, obviously.
And millions break up because the one cheated on can't ever get past it. So, you really have a 50/50 thing here. Whether you think staying together or breaking up after one (or both) partner cheats is your own personal view of the situation. Personally, if I was Sonny, I'd toss Will out on his immature behind (and beg Rafe to allow him to see Ari on a regular basis).