Serena thinks she is so smart

I don't like Serena and don't care about her storyline. For one, another newbie just taking away airtime from everyone, and all the characters doting on her. Then, her Nicole-bashing, and lame storyline of being an art thief. DUMB!! I'd rather see Lucas in an interesting storyline, or Rafe, John, Abe...anyone but this crap! I can't wait until Eric finds out he was wrong about Serena and begs Nicole to forgive him!!!
I'm taking it as it comes with this story. One moment I think it is a set up but then think this Ted part may not be. The Serena & Ted characters pulled off good acting if it is a set up. She looked genuinely concerned & he looked genuinely frazzled.

you have to remember they are actors playing characters. :)
Good one :) The actors playing the characters Serena & Ted are actors playing these characters for a set up. Almost like a picture in a picture. :)
Just Samantha, this was speculation as to what I thought is coming. So obviously I thought it was Crystal Ball material.:confused: ShaSha
Now that Daniel shoved Nicole to the side, heart-breaking, you can be sure she will move full speed ahead. Lookout Serena, you have a tiger on your tail. Nicole is a good investigative reporter. Eric and Daniel will eventually find out the truth. Hopefully it will be sooner rather than later. ShaSha
Just happened to think of a way that Serena would not be a low life. And that would be if she was working for the government...more or less retrieve some valuable artifact stolen from a museum, or a government, ???? However, throwing Nicole under the bus would be difficult to explain in that case.
Of course, there would be no need to use all this subterfuge if so.
Eric has a lot of different items he accumulated while in Africa, it would be interesting for him to mention how he acquired various pieces. Gifts, outdoor markets, craft shows?????
Undercover is an interesting thought but she also wouldn't need to seduce Eric either. Be friends maybe but not seduce him.

I have long thought the show did a poor job of explaining Eric's time in Africa. Both with his artwork collection and his at times inexplicable behavior.
But she is not seducing him. They obviously were lovers back in africa, but either she, or someone else was keeping tabs on him, thus she comes to town when he is no longer a priest.
However, perhaps, while being his lover in Africa, she hid something within that elephant? Thus it would be taken out of Africa safely, but being he went into the seminary/priesthood, it was all stored away. And when he left the priest hood, he was at first living above the Pub, everything still in storage. But, bingo, he gets an apartment, and here comes Serena! Bringing old photos of their time in Africa, asking about the rest of his art works collection, souvenirs, etc.
But she is not seducing him. They obviously were lovers back in africa, but either she, or someone else was keeping tabs on him, thus she comes to town when he is no longer a priest.
However, perhaps, while being his lover in Africa, she hid something within that elephant? Thus it would be taken out of Africa safely, but being he went into the seminary/priesthood, it was all stored away. And when he left the priest hood, he was at first living above the Pub, everything still in storage. But, bingo, he gets an apartment, and here comes Serena! Bringing old photos of their time in Africa, asking about the rest of his art works collection, souvenirs, etc.

Bad choice of words. What I'm trying to say is I don't think Serena has genuine feelings for Eric at this point. Whatever she is up to is about the elephant and that only. So if she were working undercover, she wouldn't try to sleep with him which she has already done. This is all part of her likely malicious plan.
But I think she knows Eric is reluctant to resume or rather begin an intimate relationship. She knew he was raped, also knew he had a relationship with Nicole. She IS the one who came onto him hot & heavy, and he pulls away, so she knows it won't go very far. She really had to appear she still wanted him, and she has the perfect excuse. "you still have feelings for Nicole, and when you are over them, I am here".
(Some of the most successful spies had sex with their targets)
But I agree, no genuine feelings. If she is working for the government, she is not undercover (my poor choice of a word) because Eric knows her by her true name. She is working for someone, thus the phone call, or maybe WITH someone. But she is not being truthful with Eric, for sure.
Serena is underhanded and in my mind not working for the government. You could be sure Eric did nothing wrong in acquiring these items. They much be worth a fortune and Serena would love to get her dirty hands on them to sell to the highest bidder in the international art underground for private collectors. Art espionage. Just my thoughts. ShaSha
The bottom line about Serena is that she's a cheap, callous conniver who's out for herself and doesn't care about persons who are the collateral damage. The good news is that plots like her's collapse of their own weight. Recall the failure of Kristen's revenge plot, which left her begging Brady to take her back; Jeannie T.'s plot against JJ; Ian McAllister's grandiose scheme against Stefano; and Gabby's inane fake stalker plot, which eventually landed her in jail. Even plots by Salem's master schemers collapse in flames (e.g., the Fake Rafe affair and Victor's kidnapping of Stefano). Hopefully, when Serena goes down, sourpuss Eric is made to feel the fool and Nicole is vindicated. Sadly, the way the writers treat Nicole as a punching bag, even if she exposes Serena, she won't get the credit that she deserves.
Madison had promise until she met Brady. I am so glad they got rid of her. Serena could have been good if tptb would have written her as a good guy but they aren't so no matter how good the actress is (and I do like her) the character is a big fat B word.
I liked Madison & Brady. Don't get me wrong, the crap with Ian was dumb and they made love too much and too soon. But it was one of the few healthy relationships that Brady had, and Madison seemed like a good person and a great businesswoman. I'd take that over his cougar relationships with Kristen, Theresa, and now Melanie.