Serena thinks she is so smart


Well-Known Member
Nov 28, 2006
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Serena!!!! :rolleyes: You think you're so smart. I am on to her. Here are my thoughts. Serena is working with her stalker, who by the way is not a stalker. Also the woman that took him away is also working with Serena.

Whether they are art thieves etc. is to be seen, but trouble is coming for them. This is a total scam and Nicole, regardless of what could happen between her and Daniel, won't stop her. Nicole will be relentless in this pursuit and come to the perfect resolve in this con game. You go, Nicole!:clap:ShaSha
I think Serena set Nicole up so if Nicole ever does find out the truth, when she tries to reveal it everyone will throw this incident in her face.

This story would be a lot better if the writers would let Nicole play it cool and stop that whining she keeps doing. And less Dan worship :sick:

Can't forget less crazy Eric. Calm it down a little.
I'm taking it as it comes with this story. One moment I think it is a set up but then think this Ted part may not be. The Serena & Ted characters pulled off good acting if it is a set up. She looked genuinely concerned & he looked genuinely frazzled.
I agree, I think Serena staged this.

Serena doesn't trust Nicole---- she walked out of the room "on a phone call".... it was probably the stalker or the other woman purposely so Nicole could get the files that Serena was going to catch her for.... files that don't matter because Ted is part of the scam.

It's all to get everyone fired up and mad at Nicole, while they scam team steals Eric's artwork behind his back. My hope is that they are caught- everyone realized Nicole was set up, and when they come crawling back wanting to be her friend, she says "SCREW YOU!" to all of them.

Nicole: you need new friends. These people never have your back. even if you were really in the wrong, a real friend would have your back and want to believe your innocence.

ugh! I'm annoyed. I need to be on this show. I'll be Nicole's friend.

Nicole: "What are we gonna do today, Brain?"
Me: "The same thing we do every day Nikki, try to take over the world!"

( you like my Pinky and the Brain reference?)
Nicole, I'm old enough to be your mother, so listen up!!

Nicole, darling Nicole, STOP BEGGING DANIEL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It's unbecoming. And you don't need him. You need friends who will stand behind, beside and in front of you!!! Daniel will not. Ever since he got tied up with Jenny, he's been useless.

St. Sanctimonious??? Sourpuss?? Throw him off the pier!!! You don't need him either. Funny he can forgive everyone else but not Nicole. Do TIIC realize how narrow the line is between love & hate?

This whole thing is a setup. You been had!!!!

So, tell them all to go take a flying leap, and be a fantastic journalist!!
Agree, agree, agree. How convenient that Ted who worked with Serena in Europe was in a nut house in Salem and his caretaker could "come right over" to get him. Small world. Nicole needs to work with Rafe. They can take down Serena, Ted, Clyde and the whole lot of scum bags in Salem and we can get back to decent stories with interesting people.
Actually, Ted was in a group home (so they said) in another town, (I think it was called Middleton), stopped taking his pills at Christmas, left the home, and his family asked Myra to go to Salem and look after him, or something. I did not think, when living in a group home, that one could just "stop" taking meds.

However, all much to easy, too pat, and with Daniel scolding Nicole for not checking, then why did he not check himself...(after). The home, Myra, the town, etc. etc.
Myra would not have been allowed to leave her job at the group home and follow a patient to another town and watch him. That is absurd.

I would love it if the files on that flashdrive were somehow downloaded onto Daniel's computer and he opens something up and finds out that Nicole's intuition was right and then he has to suck up grovelling to Nicole for her forgiveness.
I agree, SaraBeth, about Myra leaving the group home. Ridiculous. But then, these writers play havoc with rules.
The thing, tho, is, today's show indicated that Serena really did not have any "secrets" in those files that Nicole downloaded. As she had hidden files on her computer that needed a special password just to see the folders.
I so badly want Eric to "get a clue" about Serena, and Daniel, yes, I so want him to find something to make him question the whole thing. Maybe he could see Ted & Serena meeting??? Or Myra & Serena.
I almost don't want Eric to get a clue until after Serena betrays him and he makes another one of his huge heartfelt declarations of how she is his one and only perfect love who is innocent and would never be as evil as Nicole. Then blam!!!! Wrongo Jerkwad.
I wouldn't either but these writers like to write for dysfunctional couples with no chemistry so unfortunately, Rafe and Serena would fit that Bill. I do Hope I'm wrong.

Maybe we should start a CrowdRise to fund Serena's plane ticket back to Africa?
OK firstly I agree with everything you've said ShaSha, this is a setup royale and Eric's got it coming. I'd love if her plan somehow involved his death as well.

Now, I really want to like Serena and root for her, but that's impossible because she's slamming Nicole constantly to ingratiate herself to the dowdy fallen priest. Love the actress and want her to have a great storyline - hopefully the writers have something planned for her (though I won't hold my breath) when this farce of a facade is over.