Serena Mason

Am I imagining things? Back when Eric first returned as a priest, I seem to remember that Nicole had been the only woman he had ever been with. Is this Serena thing a history rewrite or am i remembering wrong.
Am I imagining things? Back when Eric first returned as a priest, I seem to remember that Nicole had been the only woman he had ever been with. Is this Serena thing a history rewrite or am i remembering wrong.

Besides, back in the day, he'd also been with Greta, and Nicole's sister, Taylor (we know she just LOVES her sister's leftovers!), who at the time was portrayed by another actress.
Speculation only: On One Life, Melissa Archer (Serena) played a nasty character (think teenaged Sami Brady on steroids) who softened over time, eventually becoming a heroine. I'm wondering if that's what the producers intend here. Not that I would suggest that they do research, or anything.

I really want to like her but if they keep her scenes boring, ambiguous, and repetitive (like Jordan’s were), I will be unable to.
Speculation only: On One Life, Melissa Archer (Serena) played a nasty character (think teenaged Sami Brady on steroids) who softened over time, eventually becoming a heroine. I'm wondering if that's what the producers intend here. Not that I would suggest that they do research, or anything.

I really want to like her but if they keep her scenes boring, ambiguous, and repetitive (like Jordan’s were), I will be unable to.

They kind of did that with Sami already but who is to say TIIC wouldn't repeat a storyline? :)

I do feel her scenes are moving a lot faster than Jordan's used to. I was shocked that they actually revealed the photos today.
Well Katmouse has suggested (and this is a good thought) that perhaps the pictures were taken to actually show items Eric brought back from Africa. ?????

Some people value some things very highly, and want to own them for whatever reason. (I just read what items from the now defunct Roy Rogers museum in Branson, MO. were sold for, and those items included Trigger and Buttermilk, the horses Roy & Dale rode in their movies)
I was trying to point out that while one might see a statue, vase, basket, and would not pay more than a few dollars for each of them, there are others who would pay thousands, even hundreds of thousands for the same item. (Trigger, Roy Rogers stuffed horse sold for $225,000, the saddle and bridle sold for $386,000)

And that perhaps Eric was given some items, or bought them from villagers, and Serena is to get them for some collector, or someone who knows the worth. Or as I suggested earlier, there could be diamonds hidden inside.

Picture #1 looks like a vase and #2 looks like a figurine and I assume the same vase, assuming they were taken on the same day. Other than that, just Eric in the pictures.
Creative idea. Poorly-executed, if this artifact turns out to be her motive. They could've written this better.

Furthermore, from what I can see of it (maybe if I get a closer look, I'll be wrong), it doesn't even look African in design! It looks like it comes from an Asian country, such as India or Thailand.