Serena Mason


Jan 12, 2010
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Today Nicole got a phone call from someone saying Serena is a liar and what is up with that envelope?

Any thoughts on what is going on with her
Nikkifan posted a thought in the "Today" thread, saying that Serena might be after some artefact Eric has. I think that's actually a good hypothesis. In fact, I would like a storyline like that. Maybe Serena is a thief, or a some kind of a counterfeiter and she's looking to steal one of Eric's possession to replace it with a false, then sell the real one on the black market. Now that would be so much different than the stupid plotlines centered around sex or relationships. I don't want any child involved (enough with the "who's the daddy" storylines), nor do I want something else along those lines. Please, let's have something original this time.
I think it definitely has something to do with an artifact he brought back or something hidden inside something he brought back. The big clue today was when she was asking Eric what happened to all of his pottery and stuff.
If I recall correctly Serena said "I just hope I can pull it off" now with that I'm thinking red herring for us to think she is up to something so they can make Nicole shoot herself in the foot again. :angry:
Yes that's what she said lol Thanks Poirot. That does sound like a possibility since she said she could have her pick of the photos.
She said he "owed her" a pick of his artwork, which would include things like that pot (or whatever you call it) that was at the side of the bed in the scene we just saw here @ 2:57+ time on the clip above. Maybe that's worth a gazillion bucks to the people who made/owned it prior to Eric.