Sami's wedding planner?

Days could purposely be attempting to lead us astray in our thinking....or else are dropping a few clever hints.

That week is the 4th of July week, and it just may turn out to be lots of fireworks, and more than one kind, for sure. Whether Sami already knows, or it comes out.....

Does anyone here have reason why these two should not be joined together in holy wedlock?
Sami: Would the affair between my husband to be and my wedding planner do?
Stefano...Percy....??? : Would these photos help make that decision?

Or...what if Kate has the pictures...She has already let Sami know, and.....

Kate: Oh, I think perhaps Abigail Deveraux might be wanting to speak up now...
Gah! Now I want to watch the last few episodes and see what you guys are talking about! In my mind I am thinking there is no way that Sami knows and is keeping quiet. She just can't do that she is a loose cannon, but I haven't watched to see how she is acting either. Now I am second guessing myself that I have given Sami too little credit: and I don't know if that makes me happy or sad. I would like for her to ruin Elvis's day with that twist of her setting him up, but I also want to see Sami's face of shock when she finds out. Heh, I must be friends with Stefano:wink:
When Sami thought Rafe & Carrie were "carrying on", and blew her stack, etc. she was only trying to cover her own guilt over the grief sex episode. Shift the blame onto someone else (Nicole's favorite tactic).
Sami has keep quiet about things when it suits her purpose. And now, after telling EJ they should put off the wedding because of all that happened, she wants it NOW, within the next few days.
She kept quiet about Belle's and Will's paternity for several months while she plotted to adopt Belle out to another family and to marry Austin while he thought Will was his child.

But we, the viewers, KNEW about that. This we don't have a clue what she does or doesn't know. Maybe someone else knows and is going to torpedo this (upon their return to Salem). Or perhaps oldsoapie is right and we won't know until she reveals and it's flashbacked for us what she's done to set it up. Personally, I don't think she would blame Abigail - I think she is capable of doing this all to wrench EJ into knots, and Abigail is just a pawn. Because why or how could sweet, beautiful, kind, gracious, saintly little Abigail ever seduce EJ? He *has* to be the evil one, right?
I think the reason Sami is so insistent the wedding be soon is that she's not gonna be able to hold in the explosion for very long; it's just not in her character to do so. Hopefully, this will be as devastating as a Mt. Etna eruption and as entertaining as a Yellowstone geyser.
If EJ had any clue that Sami knew he'd be in full on suck-up falling on his knees ringkissing mode. He never knew Sami at her most conniving and has no idea how well she can plan a scheme. He sees her as the impulsive blabbermouth he believes she is even though he watched her keep the whole Nick in the river bit a secret as well as the MadWorld spy bit. I think Sami is in cahoots with Kate over the boardroom bit and Stefano just may be in on it as well. I would die laughing if Stefano saw that Sami could outwit EJ and takes her side in all this. But the best would be Kate and Sami bumping off Stefano and EJ after they all get married and rule DeMira Enterprises. Kate could head up the US and Sami could head up European offices. Now that would be something.