Sami's wedding planner?


Well-Known Member
May 28, 2008
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Why would Sami "hire" Abigail as her wedding planner??? That made so little sense to me, it was like it was trying to be a spoof on just how stupid a soap opera could possibly be. To begin with, if Sami wants her speedy little wedding, just elope! How many weddings has that woman had anyway?
Sami has enough money to hire a real wedding planner who could get the job done in a few days.. not abigail who has no experience planning anything!
i thought it was completely ridiculous also! Abigail is barely even close to Sami other than the few times she has sat with her to go over art... ooh and the fake pregnancy scare ..that Sami barged her way into...
Why do I get the feeling that Sami is setting up Abigail......and perhaps EJ, too???

Why hire a very young, inexperienced person to plan your wedding, when a professional would/could do it all in the blink of an eye? Plus, you have made some arrangements yourself already, or at least have chosen them.
Nope, doesn't make sense. Not only that, but said very young, inexperienced person was extremely reluctant, and yet, Sami persisted, pleaded, begged. As Sherlock would say,...ah, the game is afoot.
When I was watching, I was almost wondering if Sami was setting up EJ to marry Abigail instead. Perhaps as some type of punishment though that would probably end up working against her since the 2 of them have feelings for each other.
Why do I get the feeling that Sami is setting up Abigail......and perhaps EJ, too???

Why hire a very young, inexperienced person to plan your wedding, when a professional would/could do it all in the blink of an eye? Plus, you have made some arrangements yourself already, or at least have chosen them.
Nope, doesn't make sense. Not only that, but said very young, inexperienced person was extremely reluctant, and yet, Sami persisted, pleaded, begged. As Sherlock would say,...ah, the game is afoot.

I am feeling like Sami is setting Abby up as well because it makes very little sense to hire her as her wedding planner when even EJ suggested letting a professional do it.