Sami's revenge

Is Sami going too far with her tongue lashings and "payback" plan?

  • Yes, for EJ

    Votes: 5 10.6%
  • No, for EJ

    Votes: 31 66.0%
  • Yes, for Abby

    Votes: 17 36.2%
  • No, for Abby

    Votes: 21 44.7%
  • Undecided

    Votes: 6 12.8%
  • Other

    Votes: 1 2.1%

  • Total voters
I'm all for Sami's revenge, and I want the Dimeras gone forever. However, I believe, if after all this, they put Sami and EJ back together, it will cause more damage to the show. So many fanbases have stopped watching, including quite a few of the fans that like EJ/Sami together, that alienating even more fanbases would be a foolish thing for TPTB to do. I'm not sure they care though.
I hope that junior/Abby is the straw that broke Sami's back...junior humiliated Sami for 8 years, do one more thing for me and I will leave you alone...until the next scheme I think of. Sami ran out of options Lucas moved on, Rafe moved on, her family left her alone to make her decisions and Sami wanted so badly for junior to change, to prove she was right for once about him, she wanted to save face to everyone in Salem. But there comes a time in everyone's life when enough is enough, and Sami I hope has reached that point!
many of who [sic] (according to tidbits of information I've read from various sources) are either no longer watching because the golden couple has been tarnished or will no longer be watching after the actors who play them leave.
I have seen the same information posted here, as well as in other sources, and I agree with your point completely. I think that's why ratings for the EJ/Sami wedding were so disappointing; their fans have given up, and there's not enough promise of Sami really coming to her senses for those who quit watching (at least in reaction to EJ/Sami as the "Golden Couple") to come back.
I can not abide Samantha and find her to be a hypocrite. I enjoyed seeing her rip Elvis to shreds but not as thrilled that she played Abigail like a fool with all the wedding stuff. Abigail is now humiliated and everyone in Salem will know about the affair so her reputation will be in the toilet. What more does Samantha have planned?

It's like a train wreck that I won't be able to stop watching.
I do think Samantha will go too far as she usually does and something will bite her in the end.
My thoughts on this: I voted no and no. But I only voted 'no for Abby' because I want to see the drama that happens. Abby has, many times, been this holier-than-thou bore who barely paid for what she did to Austin (and Carrie, for that matter). The truth should be exposed, but I doubt her reputation will go down the drain all that much. When Salem has the punching bags in Theresa and Nicole, as well as Eve, and Sami the perpetual lazy-susan-loins, I don't think many people will be all that upset about what Abby did for long-especially since nobody really thought Sami and EJ were meant to be together. But I'm all for making EJ pay for good.

Now, as for the topic of whether she will forgive EJ or not, I doubt she will. Why would she? She brought up in the 7/10/14 episode that there is nothing to milk from her relationship with EJ. He made a fool out of her for the umpteenth time, and I think she now realizes he hasn't changed and never will. As for the fans, I think most EJ-Sami fans were finding themselves bored with this pairing around the time EJ first slept with Abby. They did nothing but fight, and many fans complained that Sami made too many messes for EJ and was ungrateful when he cleaned them up. That, coupled with the fact that many now view the couple as tarnished from the affair and Sami's revenge, means that there are few people who are rooting for them to make it out of this. Plus, loads of Sami-EJ fans began to prefer him with Abigail after their romps and chemistry aired.
I think that conversation (spilling it to Jennifer) was enough for Abby. EJ is a rapist, kidnapper, torturer etc, etc. who shouldn't be walking the streets anyway. Sami deserves to be humiliated herself for being stupid enough to be with him in the first place. I hope the marriage is iron clad for a while and she can't get out of it even if she meets someone . It serves her right for marrying him. Miss Abby is not at all innocent in this and I hope she has learned a lesson and doesn't turn into Sami #2 an even more bitter, stupider person.
I voted undecided, because while I don't think she's crossed a line yet, I have a feeling she will. Sami doesn't know when to shut up and stop.

I don't think she's being too harsh on Abigail at all. Abigail is (supposed to be) an adult. She chose to have sex with EJ and did so on multiple occasions. She knew he was engaged to Sami, knew they and their children were living together. She could have been honest with Sami, told her what happened at any point in time. She chose not to. Not only did she choose not to tell Sami, as Sami pointed out, she pretended to be her friend. Spent time with her children. I think Sami has every right to be upset with Abigail. At the same time, Sami knows better than anyone how intimidating EJ can be, and while it was definitely disrespectful on Abigail's part in the first place, Sami should have sense enough to assume EJ scared/threatened Abigail into keeping quiet (whether he actually did or not). Either way, all Abigail has gotten thus far is some mild name-calling and a tattle to mommy dearest, and I'm not sure what else Sami can/will do besides (fingers crossed) a nice slap to the face in a public setting (since that isn't an assault charge in Salem) followed by loudly announcing what a homewrecker she is.

As for EJ... Sami's words with him haven't been quite so harsh (yet), but her actions speak volumes. He deserves everything she throws at him and then some, not just for this affair with Abigail but for every awful thing he's done the last 8 years. His pathetic "I'm so sorry" isn't going to fix it this time.
Well, Meldrel almost took the words out of my mouth. I say bring on the drama from Sami to both EJ and Abby. Unload all you got, Sami! This is why I watch the show, for the drama, and because none of the characters ever think their actions can come back to bite them, lol.
I voted other: Sami will probably do a complete about face with EJ and start singing praise for him before it is all over with.