Sami's revenge

Is Sami going too far with her tongue lashings and "payback" plan?

  • Yes, for EJ

    Votes: 5 10.6%
  • No, for EJ

    Votes: 31 66.0%
  • Yes, for Abby

    Votes: 17 36.2%
  • No, for Abby

    Votes: 21 44.7%
  • Undecided

    Votes: 6 12.8%
  • Other

    Votes: 1 2.1%

  • Total voters


Staff member
Nov 23, 2006
Reaction score
Sami is hell bent on making EJ and Abby pay for their affair. He was her man, and he was doing her wrong. As was Abigail.
She has already begun her revenge plan, thus EJ is in jail charged with tax evasion, and she has become co-CEO of the company, with Kate.Abby has been ripped to shreds in front of her mother.
Sami herself has been guilty of exactly what she finds appalling with EJ and Abigail.
Has Sami gone overboard, or is she justified?

You have a multiple choice option, since questions relate to two people.
For the first time EVER, I am rooting for Sami to dish it out to both of them, at every opportunity, until she gets it out of her system. The twit had (seemingly) come to terms with the kind of man EJ is, and she actually trusted him to stay faithful. If I found out the man I loved had cheated, I think I would be as mad as Sami.
I think any person (or in this case fictional character) goes way too far when their actions are very likely going to wind up hurting their children more than anyone else. Sami used her children and didn't consider the effect on them when she hatched this revenge plan or when she made them part of her sham wedding. They will be hurt if their father goes to prison. They will be hurt when they find out about Abigail (who they love) and their father. They will be hurt when they find out what their mother did to their father. They will be hurt if they hear other people talking about what a pitiful excuse they have for parents. They will be hurt if their Nono retaliates against their mother. There's no end to the many ways the children can be hurt. Is there any way possible she thinks they can be shielded from this?

Sami to me has always been classless and a little trashy :) OT: I have the same opinion of Eve and even think the two look/act very similarly.

EJ is the same person he has been throughout the 8 years they've known one another. She didn't buy a pig in a poke - knew what she was getting despite her mostly insincere "he's changed" mantra. Sure she was angry for a minute after all the crimes he's committed against her family and the people of Salem, but no one ever forced her to go back to him after Johnny went missing.

It's egoism in the extreme for her to react this way, this time, when she reacted less than appropriately to much worse actions/crimes committed by EJ. Sometimes you just need to admit your mistakes and move on. Revenge might feel good in the short term, but when you hurt other people it goes too far.

PS: Personally, I'd pull a Stefano-Bernardi (sounds like a drink) on EJ and leave it at that. Abby is a younger stupid version of Sami when it comes to men and they should actually bond over what a female dog EJ is.
@Kathylu.I don't buy the "love" from Sami and never will. Her jealousy over Rafe/Jordan I get and Lucas and ... but not EJ. It's a relationship based on lust, lies, and sex. As Kate spelled out and Sami didn't bother to deny because she knew deep down Kate was/is right.

Sami is sore because she opened herself up to trusting him and he put that knife right in as she said. Let her take all her anger out, fine, but I want a scene where she admits she was so very wrong to go against her better judgement where Elvis is concerned because he is ONLY "sorry" he got caught and that is all.

So I again hope that the outrage will shift from the cheating to them going full circle through this whole twisted tale. I also hope all her loved ones have a front row seat, but she needs to reach complete bottom to get to that realization and she is just not there yet.
I voted "other." I don't know how to put a boundary on revenge. Its very nature is to inflict pain and to make the other person hurt the way you are hurting. Sami is fired up to get even with EJ because he'd presented himself to her as a changed man, and she believed him and put her trust in him. With Abby, well, it just really, really stinks to learn another woman has been with your man! It is surprising how many women (and men, for that matter) may be cheaters themselves but they can't or don't make the connection when someone else does it to them. Sami is one of those women but she is by no means unique in this flaw. I can't say that I feel very sorry for anybody in the EJ/Sami/Abigail mess.
No, I don't think Sami has been too hard on either of them. If we continue to hold people's past mistakes against them we won't have any rootable characters left on Days, and in this situation Sami is indeed the victim. EJ, Abby, and Sami all knew their roles in this scenario, and Sami is the only one who didn't bend or break the rules for once. By the histrionic logic of punishing people for previous storyline's mistakes, though, Abby and EJ are just as vulnerable to getting what they deserve as Sami.

Yes, Sami has cheated in the past and rambled on about EJ's changed self to all of Salem, so she's got egg on her face at the moment. However, EJ has cheated on most partners I can think of, and Abby just got done completely cleaning herself of tar and feathers from the "I'm pretending I slept with a married guy because I want to outright ruin his marriage" debacle. Abby hasn't truly paid for those indiscretions, and neither has EJ, really. Sami has paid many years as the town pariah for her bad choices, and in most case mom wasn't there (see: Jen) to protect blindly against what were very valid criticisms.

That brings me to the other attention-grabber. Abby has it bad because she got ripped to shreds in front of her mother? That's a thing now? I realize Abby is a stereotypical boomarang baby still living in her parents' home, but ouch. It's almost infantilizing to consider that on par with the devastation Sami has laid on others in the past and what she is currently planning for EJ. Not that he doesn't deserve it, but being dressed down in front of my mother stopped being a life crisis when I graduated high school and started living independently.

Really, if most of us were in a position where someone we thought was at least an acquaintance, if not a friend, had slept with our partner, would we not have some choice word and names to hurl about? I've seen more harshness on Facebook over political disagreements. Not to mention the fact that, according to the current story, it was only after Abby was allowed to get close to the kids that the affair was discovered by Sami.

In my opinion, both Abby and EJ are getting the minimum of what they deserve for their behavior. Love or hate Sami, it's hard not to empathize with her situation at least a little, and the guilty parties are not exactly without sin to begin with either. I say let Sami have her cake in this situation.

edited to replace word....JS
I voted no for EJ and yes for Abigail. A one time big confrontation with Abigail is all Sami should do. If she plans more for Abby beyond that it's overkill. As far as EJ is concerned, I hope she takes it a little further and actually digs deeper to the root cause of all this. Right now she's just mad about the affair but she needs to come to terms with the entirety of their "relationship" the last 8 years.
Go Sami. I want her to annihilate them. Sami made a very astute observation to EJ, "If you are going to stick a knife in me, make sure you bury it all the way." In other words you pathetic lying cheating rapist dolt, don't start a war with Sami Brady you can't finish because Sami is a survivor while EJ is an incompetent fool who needs Daddy Stefano to save him.
I think any person (or in this case fictional character) goes way too far when their actions are very likely going to wind up hurting their children more than anyone else. Sami used her children and didn't consider the effect on them when she hatched this revenge plan or when she made them part of her sham wedding. They will be hurt if their father goes to prison. They will be hurt when they find out about Abigail (who they love) and their father. They will be hurt when they find out what their mother did to their father. They will be hurt if they hear other people talking about what a pitiful excuse they have for parents. They will be hurt if their Nono retaliates against their mother. There's no end to the many ways the children can be hurt. Is there any way possible she thinks they can be shielded from this?

Sami to me has always been classless and a little trashy :) OT: I have the same opinion of Eve and even think the two look/act very similarly.

EJ is the same person he has been throughout the 8 years they've known one another. She didn't buy a pig in a poke - knew what she was getting despite her mostly insincere "he's changed" mantra. Sure she was angry for a minute after all the crimes he's committed against her family and the people of Salem, but no one ever forced her to go back to him after Johnny went missing.

It's egoism in the extreme for her to react this way, this time, when she reacted less than appropriately to much worse actions/crimes committed by EJ. Sometimes you just need to admit your mistakes and move on. Revenge might feel good in the short term, but when you hurt other people it goes too far.

PS: Personally, I'd pull a Stefano-Bernardi (sounds like a drink) on EJ and leave it at that. Abby is a younger stupid version of Sami when it comes to men and they should actually bond over what a female dog EJ is.

I voted no for EJ and yes for Abigail. A one time big confrontation with Abigail is all Sami should do. If she plans more for Abby beyond that it's overkill. As far as EJ is concerned, I hope she takes it a little further and actually digs deeper to the root cause of all this. Right now she's just mad about the affair but she needs to come to terms with the entirety of their "relationship" the last 8 years.

There is not much more I can add to both of these views. I agree completely with both of them and I voted the same way Sparkster did. Well stated.

Revenge may feel good in the short term but it will backfire in the long term. I don't wish anything bad on 3 innocent children who love their parents from their perspective. Expecting Sami to keep up this nasty vengeance is the equivalent of maliciously hurting her 3 children in my opinion. Because that is exactly what will happen in the end.
This is where I think the writers or those who control them are making a mistake if it actually goes this way. This whole story about dark romance and soul mates who can rape or shoot each other has alienated all but one fan base, many of who (according to tidbits of information I've read from various sources) are either no longer watching because the golden couple has been tarnished or will no longer be watching...deleted spoiler in non-spoiler forum...Poirot

What an opportunity this would have been to keep and perhaps bring back many of the people who watch or watched until this distasteful story started and who see this relationship as a travesty and the ruination of a once favorite (in a love to hate kind of way) legacy character. I don't know that those who left because of the story would return in appreciation that the daughter of Roman and Marlena Brady finally came to her senses, but it would be worth a shot, especially since viewership and ratings can't go much lower and the show survive.

Personally, I don't care to see Samantha Brady DiMera ever again, but I could perhaps stomach seeing Sami Gene Brady in the future. Doesn't seem smart to write an ending to appease a fanbase that says many of it's membership are leaving anyway while also sticking it to others who might continue or return to watch.

I cannot believe I used the word smart in the same paragraph with Days' writers.
I don't like cheaters, didn't like it when Sami, Bo, Carly, any of them cheated! I would think EJ deserves whatever Sami dishes out, he's done so many horrible things and never paid for them, a little of Sami's revenge is what he deserves. I would say that Abby shouldn't be as targeted, but for the fact that she went looking for EJ, knowing it was wrong, saying she knew it was wrong, but SHE DIDN'T CARE! That's my problem with Abby, we knew EJ was slime.