Sami's latest mantra

Oh my, I love ya Poirot, but I have to completely disagree. Marlena hasn't always been supportive and loving towards Sami. When Sami was young Marlena doted on Carrie and was so wrapped up in either Carrie or John that she, the trained and highly respected psychiatrist, didn't recognize that Sami had issues until they blew up in her face.

It wasn't that long ago that Marlena told a grown adult Carrie to follow her heart when Carrie was lusting after Sami's husband. But, oh, when Sami wanted Austin as a teenager, Sami was terrible in Marlena's eyes. Who knows how bad things could have gotten or what more horrible advice Marlena would have dolled out if Carrie hadn't gotten pregnant by her husband.

And now with Sami marrying EJ, Marlena basically gave up knowing and saying that Sami was going to do what Sami was going to do no matter how huge a mistake it was and said that she just hopes that EJ doesn't hurt Sami and that Sami finds happiness.

Sami didn't invite her family to the wedding because she was in full on revenge mode and knew she couldn't handle it emotionally and get through the faking it with her family around.

While it is clear that Sami is wavering again it is just as clear that she needs psychological help. But the last person who could give her good psychological help is Marlena.

In all fairness regarding the Carrie-Rafe scenario, Sami had cheated on Rafe with the man he hated more than anyone, the one who hurt Sami and her loved ones countless times over the years, and he wanted a divorce. So who cared if he and Carrie were getting close? Not to mention Sami was back in bed with Lucas AND flirting with EJ at the time, so Marlena probably figured all is fair in love and war.
Nobody knew about Sami's infidelity when Carrie started up with rubbing ice on her chest in front of Rafe. Nor did they know when Carrie and Rafe were sucking face. The fact was that Rafe and Sami were married as were Carrie and Austin when Marlena green lighted Carrie going after her sisters husband instead of fixing her own marriage with the love of her life.
Carrie was definitely the aggressor in the situation with Rafe, who was being pushed away within their marriage by the feelings of guilt that Sami was experiencing. I am not sure Marlena knew who Carrie wanted at that point in time, but Rafe did not act on any of the flirting or seduction attempts by Carrie, until finally that kiss, that Sami witnessed.
I will agree that Marlena seemed to favor Carrie when young, perhaps feeling bad that her bio mother had deserted her, and trying to make up for it as stepmom. Don't know, different writers.

But despite all of Marlena's misgivings about Sami's choices, despite all the horrid things Sami has done, her mother never disowned her, or refused her help if Sami asked.

Carrie & Austin were having some problems, yep, and I agree that it did seem Carrie was paying no mind to her husband. But she paid enough mind to get pregnant, and realized she just had a little crush on her business partner, and even their business venture was a mistake.
Again, I really fault the writers, as the story was ridiculous, and went against the traits of both Rafe and Carrie.
...and changed back and changed again :)

Oh, yes, EJ is a real karma chameleon. He switches from dime-store lothario, to doting daddy, to the groveling cheat begging for forgiveness. Now when he leaves the DiMansion he changes into the hard-core tough-guy trying to intimidate creepy Clyde. Sami's right, EJ has changed, but not how she thinks.

EJ when the moon is full.
I've always been a big Carrie-Austin fan but I did not enjoy them this last time around due to the ridiculous writing. I don't agree that Carrie was acting out of character with Rafe. She did the exact same thing with Mike Horton. The only difference here is that she stayed with Austin this time around.
Heather, I feel there was a difference when Carrie and Mike got together than when Carrie pursued Rafe. At the time, Austin was spending a lot of time with Sami and Will and defending Sami to Carrie, despite all of the lies Sami told him, as well as running away with her when she was on trial for Franco's murder. I think Carrie felt pushed away and leaned on Mike. We all know what happens in that type of scenario. That was not the case this last time Carrie and Austin were in town. Austin was devoted to Carrie and kept wanting to spend time with her, while she was ignoring him and protesting that she needed to work (there were cats in town that needed to be rescued :sarcasm:).