Sami's latest mantra

Sami is not going to able to always hide behind that to keep herself out of trouble with Stefano. One day she is going to cause him to completely overlook that fact and come down hard on her. And she also will not be able to always hide behind EJ either.
And Marlena is so judgmental of her all the time, which is why Sami never went to them for help. She was afraid everyone would say "I told you so".

Seems she has been saying that a lot as of late as well.
I don't see Marlena as always being judgmental of Sami's actions. If Sami avoids seeking advice from her family because she is afraid someone will say, "I told you so." that's her problem. If she only/always expects a pat on the back, and an "atta girl," she's going to the wrong people. Sami knows what a screw-up she has always been, and just doesn't want to admit it. I think she has always known, deep down, that EJ hasn't changed but she's too proud to admit it.
Marlena has been so supportive and loving towards Sami, despite all the absolutely horrible things Sami has said to her over the years. She does feel Sami is making a huge mistake, but she has kept those thoughts to herself, always making sure Sami knows she loves her, cares about her, and wants what is best for her, wants her to be happy.
I do agree that Sami knows exactly what her family thinks of her being with EJ, it is why none were invited to the wedding.
Sami is the abused woman who stays with her abuser, even defending him to others. In Sami's case, she is even blaming herself in part for his infidelities. I so thought she had finally gotten a spine, but I was wrong. Hers is made of jello. Looks all straight and firm, but is all soft, jiggly, and melts quickly.
Marlena has been so supportive and loving towards Sami, despite all the absolutely horrible things Sami has said to her over the years. She does feel Sami is making a huge mistake, but she has kept those thoughts to herself, always making sure Sami knows she loves her, cares about her, and wants what is best for her, wants her to be happy.
I do agree that Sami knows exactly what her family thinks of her being with EJ, it is why none were invited to the wedding.

Oh my, I love ya Poirot, but I have to completely disagree. Marlena hasn't always been supportive and loving towards Sami. When Sami was young Marlena doted on Carrie and was so wrapped up in either Carrie or John that she, the trained and highly respected psychiatrist, didn't recognize that Sami had issues until they blew up in her face.

It wasn't that long ago that Marlena told a grown adult Carrie to follow her heart when Carrie was lusting after Sami's husband. But, oh, when Sami wanted Austin as a teenager, Sami was terrible in Marlena's eyes. Who knows how bad things could have gotten or what more horrible advice Marlena would have dolled out if Carrie hadn't gotten pregnant by her husband.

And now with Sami marrying EJ, Marlena basically gave up knowing and saying that Sami was going to do what Sami was going to do no matter how huge a mistake it was and said that she just hopes that EJ doesn't hurt Sami and that Sami finds happiness.

Sami didn't invite her family to the wedding because she was in full on revenge mode and knew she couldn't handle it emotionally and get through the faking it with her family around.

While it is clear that Sami is wavering again it is just as clear that she needs psychological help. But the last person who could give her good psychological help is Marlena.
LOL, and I did not say Marlena ALWAYS was supportive. They seem to have been getting along better, since Sami stopped accusing her mom of ruining her life because of Sami spying on her mom & John in the conference room.
Right now, Marlena has been very focused on John, and Brady as well as Eric. Sami has not even inquired about John, or checked on how Brady is doing in ages. Again, she is still really wrapped up in herself, and her revenge scheme, which now no longer looks that good to her. If she had not accidentally bumped into Eric, she would not even know what happened in Rome.
She is extremely self-centered, and everything is always about her, no matter what is going on in other family members' lives, she manages to think only about herself, how whatever it is affects her. When was the last time Sami checked on her gramma, you know, the one with Alzheimer's, who is still actively running a restaurant? Heck, she has not even cared enough to keep tabs on her partner, Kate, while Kate makes sure she keeps tabs on Sami.
But Marlena knows Sami will always do what Sami wants to do. And she did NOT want her family at her wedding, which was a cruel slap in the face to them all. No matter if she was planning revenge. Big deal. Her kids were there. She put on a great show, before, and even after EJ was arrested. And why the need for a wedding planner when there were really NO guests?
Yes, Sami is self-centered. It's a trait everyone in her family has. She doesn't check up on them and they don't check up on her either. While Sami is in a league of her own when it comes to twithood, all of her siblings are high up on the self-centered twit scale and they all got that from growing up either being sent away from their parents half the time and all of their parents faked deaths over the years.

I can't even count the times either Marlena, John, or Roman were either faked dead, held prisoner or off on some mission where the kids weren't even a blip on their radar.