Ratings Report for the Week of December 15-19, 2014


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Jan 23, 2008
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Should we open a poll asking "How low can they go"?

NOTE: There were pre-emption’s on Friday due to President Obama’s press conference

Numbers are based on Live+Same Day ratings
(Compared to Last Week/Compared to Last Year)
Total Viewers
1. Y&R 4,812,000 (+54,000/+83,000)
2. B&B 3,767,000 (-3,000/+108,000)
3. GH 2,917,000 (-118,000/+30,000)
4. DAYS 2,315,000 (-140,000/-120,000)
1. Y&R 3.43/11 (-.03/-.07)
2. B&B 2.73/9 (-.01/-.14)
3. GH 2.23/7 (-.05/+.08)
4. DAYS 1.74/6 (-.11/-.1)

Women 18-49 Viewers
1. Y&R 809,000 (+17,000/+5,000)
2. B&B 640,000 (+22,000/same)
3. GH 620,000 (+7,000/-76,000)
4. DAYS 491,000 (-28,000/-108,000)
Women 18-49 Rating
1. Y&R 1.26/9 (+.02/same)
2. B&B 1.0/7 (+.03/same)
3. GH 0.97/7 (+.01/-.12)
4. DAYS 0.77/5 (-.04/-.17)

Day-To-Day Ratings – Household/Total Viewers
Monday: 2.70/3,845,000
Tuesday: 2.83/3,873,000
Wednesday: 2.78/3,780,000
Thursday: 2.55/3,408,000
Friday: 2.78/3,986,000
Monday: 1.82/2,347,000
Tuesday: 1.83/2,424,000
Wednesday: 1.83/2,449,000
Thursday: 1.74/2,378,000
Friday: 1.48/1,975,000
Monday: 2.10/2,693,000
Tuesday: 2.21/2,946,000
Wednesday: 2.29/2,944,000
Thursday: 2.33/3,086,000
Monday: 3.63/5,028,000
Tuesday: 3.48/4,947,000
Wednesday: 3.33/4,633,000
Thursday: 3.46/4,767,000
Friday: 3.21/4,626,000
While the lack of vets and a vast array of new faces are a big problem on the show right now causing the drop in the ratings, the fact that there are no compelling stories being told, and none of the characters appear to be happy seem to be the biggest problems on this show right now.

It is alright to have some of the couples facing angst, this is a soap after all, but the majority of them? Right now, only Victor and Maggie and Doug and Julie appear to be the only couples in a happy, stable relationship. The established couples from the 80's and 90's should not all be broken up. John and Marlena should not have been facing such contrived issues the past two years, Justin and Adrienne should still be happily together (even when Justin is not onscreen), and Kayla should never have divorced Steve when she herself is only a recurring character (they could have been happily married off screen). Also, pairings that are added for shock value only with no other chemistry need to go (Eve/JJ).

Corday and TIIC at NBC need to wake up and realize that the formula they are using is not working and it is time for a new regime to take over. It also needs to happen very soon so that the 50th anniversary will be one the fans will enjoy.
kat, President Obama had his year-end press conference that day, where he talked about the North Korea/SONY issue. I remember because General Hospital was pre-empted at 2 PM in New York State. Days may have been preempted in other parts of the country as a result.

As for the ratings, I think that it is way past time for Ken Corday to make a dramatic change behind the scenes: new writers who know Days history, perhaps Leah Laiman or Sheri Anderson. For the new Days viewers: Leah Laiman and Sheri Anderson wrote for Days during the 1980s (Days supercouple era).
Monday, Dec 15 - Anne tried to block Melanie's hospital application and Serena's office; Serena (re-)met Kayla; Brady asked Nicole for a favour; Hope got a call from Bree about Aiden.

Tuesday, Dec 16 - Brady saved Melanie at the hospital; Paul had a clever disguise while meeting with Sonny; Will was assigned the Paul article; Serena and Eric kissed; Nicole thought she knew Serena. Brady told Jeannie they were over and she & Melanie had a fight. Aiden threatened Bree.

Wednesday, Dec 17 - Will starts interviewing Paul, Serena badmouths Nicole to Eric, Lucas blabbed to Sonny that Will was fired.

Thursday, Dec 18 - Rafe was lawyer-blocked stopping Chad; Eric caught Nicole Ewe-searching Serena; Eve flirted with Shane's doctor to get him to lie to Paige; Kate and Jordan sparred verbally; Rafe and Victor were working together; Nicole kissed Daniel.

Friday, Dec 19 - Will worked on the Paul article, fought with Sonny; Nicole resolved to sneak into Serena's room while she, Eric, Daniel, and Melanie had dinner; JJ was frustrated by Paige's absence; Serena asked Eric about Nicole.

Super exciting week - how could you forget it? :sarcasm:
Sheri Anderson has already said she would not be interested in returning to Days...I believe it was a matter of the money they offered, but also, the fact that she wouldn't have as much creative control/say-so as she wanted. Can't blame her on either of those fronts.

I still think that Lorraine Broderick did some good work on All My Children (she was appointed head-writer after the show had been cancelled, she knew she would be writing the finale) - if Days put her and Melissa Salmons as head-writers and changed a few other things behind the scenes, as well as gave the show more money for sets (PLEASE!!!) they could turn things around. But they need to do this now while there's still enough time to take whatever they have planned for the fiftieth anniversary & review it/re-hash it if needed.
I don't think Melissa Salmons should EVER be given a head writer role on this show. She has been the #1 writing culprit in terms of rewriting show history to favor a certain couple. On her twitter, she also makes no secret of how much she favors that couple.

Back to topic, good point by Jen67 about Maggie/Victor and Julie/Doug being the only happy couples on the show. Sad part is almost all are recurring plus we hardly ever see Doug and Julie. Sad.
I know she's an EJ/Sami fan, Heather - but they're gone & not coming back any time soon. If the show puts her as headwriter or Lorraine Broderick is given the position... It just needs to happen now while there's still barely enough time to review the plans for the 50th.
I miss the days of Dena Higley. I know she wasn't perfect, but I enjoyed many of the storylines under her regime (minus FakeRafe and that EJ-Taylor crap). One of my classmates in 11th grade was family friends with her, actually.
Please no Dena Higley again. :( Days would be better if with someone who worked on Days during the show's heyday-perhaps Leah Laiman, Thom Racina who worked on Days during the supercouple era, if Sheri Anderson is not available.
Unfortunately, I don't see a head writer change anytime soon. According to Corday's recent interview in SOD he said they are already mapping out the 50th anniversary stuff and in fact are probably already taping stuff that will be leading up to those stories. Not sure exactly how far ahead they are at this point since the last two weeks have been dark but I imagine they have to be into June by now which is only 5 months ahead of the anniversary. Scripts are probably written out to September. If they were going to change writers they would have needed to do this months ago.

As to the ratings, no surprise there. And yes, I'm sure the press conference preemption had a lot to do with the super low number on Friday.
Sheri Anderson has already said she would not be interested in returning to Days...I believe it was a matter of the money they offered, but also, the fact that she wouldn't have as much creative control/say-so as she wanted. Can't blame her on either of those fronts.

I still think that Lorraine Broderick did some good work on All My Children (she was appointed head-writer after the show had been cancelled, she knew she would be writing the finale) - if Days put her and Melissa Salmons as head-writers and changed a few other things behind the scenes, as well as gave the show more money for sets (PLEASE!!!) they could turn things around. But they need to do this now while there's still enough time to take whatever they have planned for the fiftieth anniversary & review it/re-hash it if needed.
I believe it is too late to save this show. Corday has run this show into the ground and I don't believe it will survive past the Nov 50th anniv. These writers and TIIC think that bed hopping, cheating, lies and rape are what the audience want to see. He did say no couples are safe and he certainly has kept his word. Such a shame and bringing in all these newbies and backburner his vets has not added viewers but lost them. This show needs good writers and I think Corday should back off and let someone with a brain run the show.