Random thoughts on Days...

More sets would be fantastic. I understand that they have a tiny budget, but they could at least afford some different colored office walls. It's crazy to me that they expect us to believe the same shade of blue was coincidentally chosen for every office in Salem, along with the same shelves, with the same books, just arranged on different walls with different pictures. What happened to Sami's office? And the Mad World offices (or was that a break room?). Seems like Daysaster knocked out a couple of sets :(

I mean... NBC films a few shows in the same general area, right? Seems like someone (Ali Sweeney, maybe) tweeted a picture a few months ago with a piece of Jay Leno's Tonight Show set. Whatever it was, it was among a pile of things against a wall. Could they not borrow pieces of sets from other shows?

They could drop the goofy background music. I don't see any real need for it (and certainly hope they aren't spending a significant amount of money on it).

Consistently good storytelling. I miss that. Ten plus years ago, I didn't see a problem. In fact, I had a problem when I was unable to watch live. The last seven or eight, though, I find myself losing interest for weeks at a time. After EJ/Abigail were over, up until two weeks ago, I was averaging actually watching twice a week. Sometimes not even that. The show just runs at a snail's pace until close to sweeps, and I blame the ridiculous filming schedule. I also feel that stupid schedule is beginning to bite them in the rear, as they're missing several good story opportunities by filming so far in advance they can't backtrack and change directions.
Ironically, the bulk of the EJ/Abigail storyline happened before February sweeps which I always thought was interesting.

I also think they could show photos of offscreen characters too. If they are constantly showing photos of Bo and Jack, why not show photos of Shawn, Belle and Claire too? Why wouldn't Hope have that? Or even a photo of Zack? It's like out of sight out of mind.
True, but other shows have used stock/generic photos and cleverly kept them just out of viewers' sight. Heck, we could have Hope looking at her phone, Marlena comes in, Hope says, "Look, Shawn-D just sent me a picture of Belle & the kid/s," and shows it to Ciara. We never need to see it. But then we would lose the excitement of her & Aiden looking through catalogs to find the right doily covers for the next Gala. :rolleyes:
I would like to see a good old-fashioned courtship. Some romance and actual dating for a period of time before the cursory chaos hits. Real dates could be set in different places -- so yes, I'd like them to show the actual dates in a variety of settings. Maybe they could enlist interns from a set design class from one of the local university programs to build them within a prescribed budget. Free labor for the experience. That might not work with union agreements, though.....

I've seen some amazing, versatile set pieces used in stage productions that change one scene into another with the turn of a prop. Think a triangles on wheels with 3 different scene pieces on the three panels, etc. At any rate, I have to believe that with just a little preplanning and rummaging through the inventory on hand, they could be a little more creative!
When Greg Meng first "thought up" the idea of the Horton Square set, that is what it was supposed to be, like a stage set, he claimed (after seeing a play) but they certainly do not use it that way at all. The square seems to be a half block from every house, restaurant, place of business, etc. They never take the dome off, which they said they would, so everyone walks around in mid-winter, with below zero temps, and snow up to their knees, in 6 in. high heels, no gloves, lite jackets, sleeveless dresses, halter tops, etc. etc.

@Teaspoon...over on GL, when they were trying to save money on sets, that is exactly what they had. A triangle set, 2 sides were different hotel bedrooms (yes, they moved their characters into hotels just like Days) and the 3rd was another room. I forget, but they said with the two bedrooms, they only had to change bedspreads, pictures, and they would have 4 or 5 different bedrooms. LOL

Days does have tons of furniture, wall decorations, table decorations, but obviously doesn't utilize what they have. They also have walls, with and without windows, racks and racks of clothes, shelves full of shoes, jewelry, etc. No idea why they are so stingy with what they have, oh, yes I do, budget, of course. They had to lay off a great deal of crew, but egads, they have huge backdrops, painted to resemble outdoors, gigantic huge "grassy" areas, they just roll it all out. :)
Also, remember when HTS was first unveiled and they said it could be spun around and shot from all angles, the shops were "operational", so that the characters would be seen IN the stores, with the square being viewed through the shop windows? None of that happened.
I've noticed something recently since this is random ...here it goes. My TV usually gives a little synopsis on the show everyday GH also. Ok This week its been generic like" The residents of the small Midwest town of Salem ...etc." Same all week GH didn't change. I wonder why , if its because they went dark, or because they are so far ahead .That shouldn't be it.:confused: Not that I care a lot about it but its strange to me that it all of a sudden stopped and went generic . Maybe rewrites..nah
Its not the cable. Its on my tv/remote if I press display it shows .It would do this if I had rabbit ears hooked . It does it every now and then and certain channels hardly ever have a synopsis . The national channels usually do.
OK, well, whatever system you have, someone has to program in the descriptions and they probably didn't have them in time to key them into the display system. It had nothing to do with their extended "dark" time.
My service flips back and forth between the "Midwest town of Salem" bit and actual synopsis. However, the main cast (which only lists 3 actors anyway) lists Camila Banus (Gabi), Kristian Alfonso (Hope), John Aniston (Victor). They replaced Peter Reckell (Bo) with Camila Banus (Gabi) about 6 months ago. Never made sense to me why they chose to list her rather than Diedre Hall (Marlena).
I would like for the writers to stop hitting the reset button on the characters, and to stop breaking up all the couples every other month. Sami should have remained supportive of Gabi when the truth about Will being Ari's father came out. Sami/Rafe should never have broken up. Eventually Will would have told Lucas what was going on with Nick. Gabi would have told Sami. Sami and Lucas, who are comedy gold together, would have told Rafe what was going on when he caught them in the evidence room. Rafe/Sami/Lucas would have been helping Will/Gabi/Sonny with Nick. After Will was shot, and Nick apologized that would have been the end of Nick trying to take Ari from Will. Although I did enjoy Kate, Sami, and Gabi tossing Nick in the river. However, the writers effed up that SL to.

Nicole wouldn't have destroyed the evidence that cleared Eric. Right now it would be Kate, Sami, and Nicole working on taking down the Dimeras. Rafe, Brady, and Eric would have considered talking them out of it, however, Lucas would have been all, "My mom, Sami, and Nicole are working together against the Dimeras, guys stay out of the way so you don't get burned, Stefano, EJ, and Kristen totally have this coming to them."