Rafe's comment to Sami today (Wed., 8/6)

I almost felt that she was getting it until she started looking at her smoochy-moochy's picture spouting how good they were together :sick:.

Oh and Samanther was trying to let Rafe down easy?! Whaat??!!:rotfl: Rafe's facial expressions conveyed so much that Sami is off her rocker! :eek:
The more she talked the faster he tapped his finger on the tea cup. His annoyance was so real and his expressions perfect. Sami just doesn't get it and she never will. So glad Rafe finally told her off and the fact that it is sad she can't be happy for him as he was for her. Truly pathetic Sami
I really don't remember, but I didn't like Sami/Rafe that much, so I usually didn't pay attention.
When Rafe said "Have you lost your friggin' mind?" I started clapping and yelled out loudly "YES" and started laughing. My mom and brother were trying to shush me because I forgot my little sister was napping...but I just couldn't help myself and rewound it, and then came straight here to post!
I know JasonDiSpeech (and many others) will be doing cartwheels!

:love: Yes, I was all atwitter on Twitter with this line!!! :love:

I almost felt that she was getting it until she started looking at her smoochy-moochy's picture spouting how good they were together :sick:....
Me too. Thank goodness Kate was there to snark some sense into the feeb.
That was truly embarrassing and pathetic. Did Sami really think Rafe would want her back after she ruined their marriage with her nasty grief sex with EJ, and flaunted her and EJ's relationship in his face?? Sami really is the center of her own universe and so vain as to believe that Rafe can't go on without her.

Does she seriously expect every man she has been with to pine for her for the rest of their lives? Does she really think that she is such hot stuff that no man can ever get over her and must always want her even if she doesn't want them? She is delusional and sad believing that Rafe is sitting around crying over her all time that she can't even be happy for him in finding someone else.

Sami also need to stop with her revenge and deal with herself and her emotions and face the reality of her situation so she can move on with her life with her children before she completely destroy them all and stop dragging everybody into this hot mess.

I still don't understand why EJ cheating on her is what it took for her to finally see the truth about him compared to all the other more horrible things he did to her?
It was sad watching Sami go down memory lane with Rafe. It reminded me of when I watched their original romance - and at the time it seemed like Days might get the whole idea of romance like the olden days of Days romances. It was Rafe and Sami facing turmoil and danger together and falling in love in the process. But since the grief sex and the Rafe/Carrie thing, this couple was ruined. I'm glad that Rafe told Sami that she was nuts!