Rafe's comment to Sami today (Wed., 8/6)

I haven't seen the episode yet but sounds like Sami got everything she deserved. She threw away the best thing to happen to her in a long time for lust and money. Both she and Kate can just dream on. Now Rafe needs to fix things with Jordan and help her and her brother get rid of Clyde.:love:

Well I never! How dare Rafe not want to be with ME??:rotfl:
Just watched it and came here immediately. BEST LINE IN YEARS!!! I also appreciated Will calling her out last week before she slapped him. Sami really has lost it. I think of all the dirty deeds she's done -- not all of them in the distant past -- her obsession with hating on Abigail is just bizarro-land stuff. And everyone keeps saying it to her and it doesn't penetrate her thick skull.
I couldn't even laugh at her in the beginning because it was all just so embarrassing. She's sitting there strolling down memory lane and Rafe's giving her these looks and then she seems utterly shocked when she asks him if his saying she was the love of his life were just words as if she expected things to still be the same between them. Then she sits there after he leaves and mumbles to herself that she made Rafe happy. She came off desperate, pathetic, and CRAZY.
deleted unnecessary quote...no need to quote the post that is directly above your own post...JS

That's because at the heart of it, I'm not sure she's still a good person. Maybe it's temporary and she's crazy thinking of what she's thrown away and now she's alone. In the past, you could count on her to know what's right. She's lost that.

It's INSANE for her to decide that Jordan isn't right for Rafe. Like she's such a great judge of relationships? She and Kate both look nutty, but at least Kate half thinks she might want him and might have had a chance. Once Rafe finds out she and Sami were in it together, that will be something.