Rafe is a hypocrite!!

Well shucks. Come in to give my 2 cents & have a penny taken away. lol :) Tough crowd but I guess lies of omission only count if one doesn't like a character.

It doesn't really matter to me so I'll just leave that last penny here in this thread. :)
Hey, I like Rafe. And yes, I think he should tell Jordan about his latest one night stand with Kate. So far he hasn't. But he did not lie about it. If she asks and he denies....yep, then he lies.

And I do think it will come out. But...there is the wrath of St efano to deal with, and to think about. After all, look what that jealous old fool did last time. Kate made a huge mistake going to bed with Rafe, drunk as he was, inasmuch as she has this huge "plan" in the works. But another jealous old fool wanted to thumb her nose, even though it would only be in private in front of her mirror, at Jordan.
I don't think Rafe was particularly drunk......he certainly remembered everything the next morning. Of course, I am not as fond of Rafe as Poirot, so I look at it differently. I have noticed we all seem to do that. If I like someone, whatever they do is justifiable if I don't like them then nothing they do is right. :):)
Gosh, and I remember Rafe drinking a lot, and when waking up, and saw Kate, saying, Oh, my gosh...as in disbelief. But....I don't have it on tape, cannot go back. However I do remember he asked how the heck this happened and Kate said they both were drinking. Rafe noted he was, but her not so much. She insisted it was the worse possible thing, and must never happen again, and no one must ever know.

Water under the bridge. She wants to ignore it, he is back with Jordan.
Rafe hasn't really been lying. He pushed Jordan away, essentially ending their relationship; if you had asked him the hour before he slept with Kate if he had a girlfriend, his answer would likely have been "No," or, at least "It's complicated." He hasn't been asked and he hasn't told about his little misadventure. And thankfully, we haven't been subjected to scene after scene of Jordan gushing about how Rafe is honest, good, trustworthy, loyal, etc.

Now on the other hand, with the way these writers have basically destroyed Rafe, I would not be surprised if he does actually lie in the very near future about this regrettable & regressive romp.
I haven't been a big fan of this thread so haven't chimed in yet. However, I wouldn't be surprised if Rafe slept with Sami in the next month as well. Especially after the scene we saw yesterday.
This is just another recycled SL of juniors/Sami grief sex romp in the fall of 2011, Sami said the same thing to Rafe that Rafe said to Jordan on Friday. So I've been there and done that already, and we know how it ends, so I'm not caring about it. There are viewers that say Rafe is boring when he was with Sami, so by making him a ungentlemanly man this will spice his character up, but I disagree, it makes him another run of the mill male character.
LOL, oldsoapie.......when they say beauty is in the eye of the beholder, there are lots of other nouns we could put in the place of "beauty". That is what makes us all individuals and the board a fun place to hang out.

It is no secret that I dislike EJ, and while he was interesting when he first came on the Salem scene....he has become totally boring. To me.
Roman is another boring character along with Jordan, who, to me, is snooze city, at least so far. If the show thinks I appreciate that inane, nothing conversation on 6/30 between her and her brother, they got another think coming.

Maggie has become boring. Being the town sanctimonious busybody has diminished her luster considerably, just as Kate's constant interference has diminished hers.
John was always the good guy, the one riding to the rescue of any character, and that was all taken away from him.
But I think this is the role present writers are attempting to fill with Rafe. He has been on hold for a long time, while they cozied up Sami & EJ.....but perhaps they may just finally hatch this incubating egg.
I certainly hope they hatch it soon...................I fast forward through most of the shows now days. Most of the characters and story lines are and have been boring for some time. I am looking forward to the EJ/Sami upcoming stories. deleted spoiler info in non-spoiler forum....JS
I can't wait to see EJ's face when he finds out his Sami has been playing him. Also looking forward to Kate/Stefano, but Kate will have to be fast on her feet to outsmart ole Stefano. The build up will probably be a lot more exciting than what really happens.....as usual.