Rafe is a hypocrite!!


Well-Known Member
May 27, 2009
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South Carolina
Ugh! I'm so annoyed with this "tell me your secret or no relationship" thing with Jordan.
Not because I don't want to know myself what her secret is... (because I very much do).... but I just as much wanted to know HIS secret when Sami was demanding to know and he had his panties all in a wad about how it wasn't her business.

man, that pot is callin' the kettle black.

If Jordan has to tell Rafe her secret - then Rafe should suck it up buttercup and tell his too.

I bet the writers forgot Rafe even had a secret.
Like almost everyone who's spent any time in Salem, Rafe has acquired some tarnish on his image. In a town full of secrets, lies, and half-truths, what's so exceptional about Jordan trying to keep her past hidden? Speaking of things hidden, how would Jordan react if she learned that her lover only recently spent a night between the sheets with a great-grandmother -- Ms. Blue/Green Chunk. This is not to say that Rafe isn't head and shoulders above the likes of lowlife EJ, but like other Salemites, he ought to be aware he's living in something of a glass house and should be careful about throwing stones.
Rafe had & still has the secret about his fiance that died in the car crash. Sami wanted to know but Rafe kept telling her he didn't want to talk about it.

Big hypocrite! I wonder what the also now unshaven neanderthal would've said if Sami told him they were over back then because he wouldn't share his past. Someone please give him a mirror, some Windex & a dvd of that storyline.
That is no secret. She died in an auto accident, and he did not like to talk about it. Aiden doesn't like to talk about his wife's death either. And Jen doesn't talk about Jack or how & why he died. Neither does Maggie about Mickey, or Caroline about Shawn. That is not a "secret", not at all.
Wasn't there a secret about the actual crash that only Rafe & Arianna (sister) knew about? That is the secret about Emily I'm talking about, not that he had a fiance that died in a car crash.

Lovin safe, I don't think it's any different than other threads that single out a character & something they do that many others have done, like the funny Bo Brady is a criminal thread from a while ago.
I was thinking how disgusting today when I saw Rafe and Jordan in bed together. Didn't he just have sex with Kate the night before (Salem time) in that very same bed? He demanded to know Jordan's secret, but did not confess that little indiscretion to her.
Wasn't there a secret about the actual crash that only Rafe & Arianna (sister) knew about? That is the secret about Emily I'm talking about, not that he had a fiance that died in a car crash.

My take on it was that there was more to the crash than what Rafe was admitting (and that it was how involved Arianna was in the crash or she was possibly the driver?), and that was more than what the writers wanted to reveal at that time. Kinda like how they left the "red herrings" about Will possibly shooting EJ at that wedding, the cabin with the junk food and shell casings or whatever it was that the cops said looked like a teen hangout. They left that storyline open enough, even after Lucas confessed and went to jail, to revisit later. I think they were intending on doing the same with the Rafe/Arianna crash secret, but now that she's dead, is there a point to mentioning it?

The only reason to mention it now is to contrast how far he was willing to go to save his sister then (to take the rap for the crash or cover up her involvement) and how now he feels like he didn't make the same effort to save her or Gabi. We don't even know how much Rafe has told Jordan about Arianna. From what Jordan has said to Rafe and Ben, it sure doesn't sound like he has said much. But that is still more than Jordan has told Rafe about her past.
I don't know why we have to be guessing again about something that was dropped by the show, but at the time, I understood that Emily was the driver of the car, it was intimated she was high on drugs, Arianna jumped in to try and talk her out of whatever, and the car crashed into a tree. Rafe came along, so was there, holding her when Emily died. And honestly, I don't want to know any more, don't care, it is long past having any meaning.
I don't know why either. I just chimed in with a post about the original topic. Didn't intend to ruffle any feathers. Was trying to just be light hearted & funny with a little of my opinion thrown in.

Like mentioned before, he's lying about his most recent romp with Kate too. We have no idea if Jordan's past is something big or just silly. So why the insisting on knowing it from Rafe's part? She's not insisting or making demands to know his past. That's the point I think is being made, but I could be wrong.
Rafe is not lying about sleeping with Kate. He is not telling.....so far. And, Jordan knows all about his past. She knows his childhood, his sisters, what happened to them, his being married to Sami, about Grace. She knows how he was injured, the time spent in bed, the fact someone tried to take away his manhood. She knows Kate is one jealous female, and that she & Rafe had an affair at one time.
She refuses to say a word about her own past, not her childhood, school, family. She says she was an only child. She never even mentioned coming from Birmingham until Sheryl arrived in town. And she was only living there for a while, it is not where she was from. She has planned to leave town twice now, without telling Rafe, and won't say why. This is what he asked, what is she afraid of, what is it that made her decide to leave (even though she later changed her mind). So all Rafe knows is there is something in her life that has her running scared. And she won't tell him. He learns accidentally she DOES have a sibling, a brother, one who has been in town, and she never told him that, either.