Prayers needed - COVID


Well-Known Member
May 27, 2009
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South Carolina
My heart is shattering into a million pieces. So many friends back in my old hometown have tested positive. Today, my sweet friend's husband passed away from covid at 9:30am EST. He leaves behind my sweet friend and 3 children, the oldest is only 12 years old.

I just keep praying over and over "God, please protect my family and friends from this awful virus. Please heal all those that are sick, comfort those that mourn, and heal this world. God, please heal this world. Bring health and peace to all. Amen"

I'm just so sad. My best friend has covid now at home and I just called her to hear her voice and check in- she says she is doing ok.

My heart is so broken. Take care friends, be safe and well. And tell those you love how much they mean to you.
I am sorry for your losses. Please, everyone, get vaccinated. That's the best way we can protect ourselves and each other. It's not a big deal. It's actually easy.
@susala I agree 1000000000%. My hubby, myself, and our 2 kids are all fully vaccinated. I have been fully vaccinated since May. 2 of us got Moderna, the other 2 got Pfizer. It was easy peasy lemon squeezy.

none of the rumors the antivaxxers are claiming are true.
ha- one rumor suggests it causes infertility. wrong! I was fully vaccinated for a solid month before conceiving this little one I'm carrying now. So- take that, rumors!
Congratulations on expecting...sending good thoughts for a safe and happy delivery!
Oh honey, I'm so sorry. Praying for your family and your friends family. This virus is nothing to mess around with, I'm still thankful that my sister recovered after her week in the hospital with Covid, that was in May of 2020 before the vaccine was available.