Prayers for my Mother-in-law

the look of love

Well-Known Member
Nov 2, 2007
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On Thursday, the doctors called to let us know that "Granny" has such a bad infection, and aspiration pneumonia, that she wont be able to live at all unless we did a feeding tube. She is 89 and we know she would not want a feeding tube. Since she has trusted Carl & me with her health care, hospice has been called in. It is a tough decision but she has been going downhill for the last year.

Please pray for an easy time for her as she gets ready to go to Heaven. Pray also for my husband and her grandchildren. This is never easy but it's extra hard at Christmas.

Thank you and God Bless.
Prayers for you and your family. You are right, there is never a good time to make this decision. But since you are following her wishes, then you are doing what she wanted, and that means a lot. I hope peace and comfort surrounds you at this time of the year.
lookoflove: I have been where you are and I know first of all this is extremely difficult for you. You and Carl are in our daily prayers, as well as your Granny. The husband, losing his life partner, is also in great emotional pain and we remember him too. Please know you are supported here and touched by your honoring us with the privilege of praying for you all. Blessings!

Prayers are being sent up now for Granny and your whole family at this difficult time of your lives. It's never a good time but this time of year seems to be the hardest! I am sure that you will be following her wishes and they would be mine too.

God's Blessings to you all.

Much love, Joan
Prayers for Granny and her family.
You and your family, especially your granny were all in my prayers......God Bless!