Pick 5

Charles Shaugnessey and Patsy Pease as Shane and Kimberly Donovan (Theresa needs her parents in town, and Shane could work with Rafe)
Steven Nichols as Steve Johnson (to be with Kayla and Joey)
Matthew Ashford as Jack Devereaux (to interact with his children. I do not want him anywhere near that shrew, Jennifer)
Either Michael T Weiss or Roark Critchlow as Mike Horton (maybe he will be the one Horton to soften up Anne Milbauer)

Of course, this is a given only if we get new writers/producers on the show. The current ones would mess up these returns as they have with other beloved vets coming back. Example, John Black.
Michael T Weiss my FAVORITE Mike :). Didn't care for Roark Critchlow's Mike ,him and Carrie :sick: I like Carrie with Patrick Muldoon's Austin . Austin Peck's Austin seemed like such a doofus. Sorry I'm :back:
Hard to Pick! Can we make this Pick 13!
Chloe......Nadia Bjolin
Philip.....Jay Johnson
Mimi.......Farrah Fath
Melanie...Molly Burnett
Chad......Casey Deidrick
Bo.........Peter Reckell
Shawn....Jason Cook
Chelsea...Rachel Melvin
I personally loved the antics of:
Vivian....Louise Sorel with her sidekick
Ivan......Ivan Marais
Rolf....William Utay was a blast also
Not to mention

Bart......Steve Blackwood
And who could forget the eye candy that is
Nicholas Alamain.....Victor (the hunk) Webster

Way too many good actors and characters to choose from!
Maybe I'll try and narrow it down later.
Thank you everyone for your picks and comments.
@redsquirrel... at first thought, I would have said Jason Cook as Shawn D., the red head that played Stephanie (I can't remember her name.. JS? Jason47? Poirot?), Farah Fath as Mimi... and definitely Peter Reckell as Bo, but the others I don't mind.

Really though, I was a theater major myself, and my child is an actress, so I understand how many people are just waiting in the wing for their shot on screen... so I would probably enjoy having the characters back no matter who played them, and perhaps someone might come along to really take the character and own it. :) who knows, it could happen. Maybe me! haha. We as an audience need to try and have an open mind if we want to see favorite characters return. Reality is, actors/actresses will always be looking for the next big thing in their career. There will always come a time for them to move on to different things... so new people can get a chance to shine. :)

Dear world of Days: the exception to this is EJ Dimera. Really. I will hate him no matter who is parading the town of Salem as his character. lol.