Pick 5


Well-Known Member
Nov 4, 2007
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If you could pick any 5 characters and matching actors from the past DAYS cast
who would your 5 picks be.....you can elaborate on them if you'd like to!

Just thought it would be fun.:)

Edited to add......Pick to come back to the cast of DAYS.
Thank you JS & Poirot:)
I would be hard-put to pick 5, not having watched for very long, but I will try:

Stephanie and the computer nerd

Tad and the stripper

Laura and whomever

Vivian and Victor

Theresa and Vargas
Well with the current set of writers.... and the fabulous job they have done bringing back John Black.... I sorta want to wish for new writers/TV Executives and sponsors who will actually care about the show.... but since this is a wish list.... and we are going to assume that insane filming months in advance so what is filmed is what you get.... is no longer it is a thing of the past... and we are going to respect past history of characters so they return to what they were......

I'd like to see Bill Horton return and take over the hospital.....and help his beloved Jennifer Rose get back on track...and give Anne someone else to fixate on...

Mike come back and bring a new Jeremy.... I'm willing to totally forget the last time Jeremy was on the screens stupid horrid story line that was.... (If they can make Jennifer into a stalking nightmare of a shew, I can forget Jeremy 1.0)

Melissa come back, bringing her family.... giving Maggie more children/grandchildren to dote over....

is this what you were asking? Or am I off the mark?
Pretty easy for me :

- Matthew Ashford as Jack Devereaux
- Peter Reckell as Bo Brady
- Charles Shaughnessy as Shane Donnovan
- Stephen Nichols as Steve Johnson
- Drake Hogestin as the real John Black (yeah, I know, he's technically there, but don't get me started on that :rolleyes: !!!!)

Needless to say, all these men would need some amazing storylines. Again : :rolleyes:
The five characters that I would like back on Days are the following: 1) Bo Brady; 2) Steve "Patch" Johnson; 3) Philip Kiriakis; 4) Chloe Lane, and 5) Shawn D, Spencer Olson, Scotty Banning OR Dougie LeClair (I'd like to see Hope, Julie, Addie's side of the Horton family reemerge).

Honorable mentions: Mike Horton, Carrie Brady, Belle Black, Sarah Horton, Brandon Walker, perhaps Melanie and Nathan.
1. Austin(Patrick Muldoon) and Carrie Brady Reed
2. Shawn-Douglas Brady (Jason Cook)
3. Belle Black Brady (either actress)
4. Bo Brady
5. Jack Deveraux
6. Steve Johnson
7. Shane, Kim and Andrew Donovan--especially Kim because between Jeannie Theresa and Ciara, she will have more than enough to do!
JS/Poirot... I forget actors/actress names...so add them please.

Mimi Lockhart
Shawn Brady
Bo Brady
Philip Kiriakis
Stephanie Johnson (oh... why only 5? go ahead and bring back Morgan and Chelsea too... and Patch! yes! Definitely Patch!!!)

But which actors would you choose out of the ones who played them? For example, Jason Cook or Brandon Beemer as Shawn Brady?? Some people prefer Brandon Beemer, but Jason Cook will always be Shawn Brady for me. Same with Peter Reckell as Bo Brady. I wasn't happy with Robert Kelker Kelly's version of Bo.

There was also more than one actor who played Philip and Stephanie.
Oh, you all know that #1 for me would be Steven Nichols as Patch Johnson.
And since the originator asked for just 5, and I know the show has budget...

#2 - Matt Ashford as Jack Deveraux
#3 -The hunky actor who played Bill Horton at Alice's funeral. I cannot imagine why the show did not get that guy back, maybe even recurring if need be.
#4 - Jason Cook as Shawn D.
#5 - Charles Shaughnessy as Shane.

Shane & Rafe worked well together, I would like to see that again. And yes I named all guys, but there was only one gal I thought would be good to return & I would rather have Shane, lol...but stuck to the 5.
My list:

Bill Horton...John Martin; the show needs more Hortons and someone to run the hospital besides absentee Kayla
Jack Deveraux...Matthew Ashford. BUT NOT BACK WITH JENNIFER!!!
Billie Reed...Lisa Rinna; I'm willing to ignore all previous returns and reset her to her original state in the late 1990s
Stephanie Johnson...Shelley Hennig. She can come back with the news that Parker really IS Philip's son, so Ruffles McRed can cry a lot
Scotty Banning's daughter with Faith (technically a new character but we need something for Julie to do besides go on cruises), played by Melissa Archer

For those who haven't seen One Life to Live or Beacon Hill, here's a picture of Melissa Archer: