Paige, Eve and JJ

Jennifer's heart was in the right place. I mean she did want her son and Paige back together so I can't fault her for that. But at the same time, if she had told Paige the truth, it would have hurt her even more than she is hurt right now. So I could see why Jennifer kept quiet, but a lot of good that did.

edited to add punctuation and for clarity - do not write your posts as one long, run-on sentence - JS
Like I've said before, I understand Jennifer not telling Paige because for one, she may not have believed it (after all, it sounds ridiculous to hear that your mother slept with your boyfriend that she hates), and Jennifer didn't want to sell out her son. But the mistake Jennifer made was encouraging JJ to reunite with Paige and lie to her about everything. She should've either made JJ tell Paige the truth, or just encouraged him to move on.
Jennifer should have taken Daniel's advice, but as usual she knows best when it comes to her son and doesn't care who gets hurt in the process. Paige loved JJ and I think a part of her still does. She just cannot get past the betrayal of her boyfriend sleeping with her own mother, which is the ultimate betrayal.

edited for clarity - JS
If Eve were to get pregnant then it would pretty much destroy any shot of a JJ & Paige reunion. However, if Paige were to get pregnant then I too could also see her hiding it from JJ. But I do not think that it will come to that at all.