Paige, Eve and JJ

I don't think either Paige or Eve will be pregnant since they already currently have a baby story going on but if they were to have one of them end up so it better be Paige. I just can't with these 50+ women getting pregnant on soaps. :rolleyes:

As to Paige forgiving JJ, she may eventually find it in her heart to do so but she would be the biggest fool there is to ever consider taking him back after this. No way, no how. Yeah, I know, it's a soap so they probably will get back together at some point. I mean, look at EJ and Sami. They're like the poster child for "been to hell and back and still ended up together". What happened with JJ and Paige is peanuts compared to the Golden Couple. :beat:
With the currently-airing writers, anybody's guess. These are the hacks that pushed Sami/EJ and couldn't decide how to handle Nick or Will, and had John attempt to boink Kristen to prove a point to Brady. They could have Eve pregnant by Daniel next week and delivering in June and it wouldn't faze me.

But if Paige has an ounce of sense (and given that she was using the Salem brain today I imagine she'll be back to a drooling fool by next Wednesday), she'll never let JJ near her again. Hopefully whatever direction this takes for now...eventually she wises up completely & permanently. JJ can have a good life, but he needs to learn and move on.

Stanford is calling, Paige.
Not one atop the other. Though I do find it odd that Stefano is so very interested in Chad hooking up with Abby.
But then......he is so evil, if he has Jack held somewhere, he just might want to torture Jack with the "your daughter and my son" scenario. Wishful thinking.....but with these writers, Stefano really has probably something really stupid in mind. Maybe it is that he feels the DiMeras "conquered" the Bradys when Sami married and had children with EJ, time to conquer the Hortons. ?????
I, too, am glad the secret is out in the open. It was painful for me to watch. Had I been anyone in that room, I would have excused myself. It wasn't any of their business. And Daniel can take that grimace and disapproving "I told you so" head shake and exit stage left.

I know that JJ's lack of self-control brought this on; but I felt sorry for him and for Paige. I think he truly does love her and his lack of maturity and self-esteem is partly why he self-destructed. I don't mean this as an excuse for his behavior. I just believe that if he and Paige work it out and reconcile, it's no one else's business. Just my opinion and I know many won't agree.