Oh, someone gag Paige, please

Barb, I haven't seen anything that would suggest that Eve has the hots for J.J. or vice versa. I think that this story is about both J.J. and Eve being filled with so much self-hatred that they are using sex as a means to self-destruct. Eve is just reverting back to her old self-destructive behavior (using sex as a bandaid/crutch and a means to get affection) now that her singing career is over. As for J.J.'s motivation, I think that he is just afraid of turning out like Jack.

I think that Paige will eventually forgive Eve provided this doesn't turn into a full-blown affair and Eve tells Paige the WHOLE truth about why she is so determined that Paige has a better life than she did. Eve does have a far from ideal past/history and I think that history is the main reason why she is so concerned about Paige going down the same path she did. I'm not saying that I agree with Eve's actions, but I think that I understand the why. We'll see how this plays out.
No, I haven't seen anything concrete either that Eve has the hots for JJ, but....there HAS been a few minor indications......when she softened because he was into music, and had him play for her, when she hurt her wrist or hand or something, and he was holding to to massage it.
But these writers don't give you glaring indications of anything.....all of a sudden the characters are tearing off clothes, or kissing madly, or........
I have high hopes for JJ, love his character. But prior to getting involved with him, and honestly, prior to mommy dearest blowing back into her life, Paige had a lot going for herself. Now she's a sniveling wreck. She'd be better off distancing herself from BOTH of them. And so would JJ be better off watching Paige in the rearview one last time. Eve can implode for all I care.
I think they have the hots for each other. Firstly, there's that "forbidden fruit" element that Days seems to love doing--couples that know they shouldn't be together, but end up lusting after each other for that precise reason. We had Daniel & Kristen, Sami & EJ, Brady & Kristen, Brady & Theresa, EJ & Abby, and now JJ & Eve. But then, the wrist touching, the music...and a few weeks ago, that interview in which one of the actors in the storyline said there is a definite reason the sex keeps happening, because the two have some kind of attraction towards each other. They hate having it, but they can't stop.
I think that if the story was written believably, even though it is still not a story I'd want to see, it would at least make sense. As it is, I don't see any evidence of actual attraction, just random sex that makes no sense. The second hookup made even less sense than the first. I don't even buy the hate sex excuse because it seemed that as soon as it was over, they went back to expressing disgust for each other; there was no release or change at all from the sex.

I do think Eve is making excuses to see JJ all the time. But I also, from some things Eve has said, believe that she wants Paige to never grow up and leave her, and that continuing to hound JJ is a good way to make sure that JJ doesn't take Paige away from her. It just seems that Eve is like the witch in Into the Woods, who locks Rapunzel in a tower to "protect" her from the world and then pleads with her, "Stay with me" when Rapunzel wants to experience the world for herself.
Eve so desperately does not want anyone to find out what happened.......that being said, WHY then does she continually hound and corner JJ with the "we have to talk" demands, and in of all places a PUBLIC park? Wouldn't you take great measures to avoid each other?

We the Salem Spectator Super Sleuths Detective Agency had this lousy plot figured out from day one. This is so predictable because we all know there will be someone lurking behind THE tree, or just happen to walk by (probably Jen-Jen) and hear this jaw dropping garbage. I still have this gut feeling when this is revealed, and we all know it's inevitable, Eve is going to play the rape card hoping it's believable because it ties in with Jack's past indiscretions.
That would make more sense, but the interview suggested otherwise, along with the rumors I've heard of them actually 'doing the do' more regularly.

I hope no one misunderstood my post--I'm as disgusted with the two characters and their sex hookups as all of you are!:sick:
I still have this gut feeling when this is revealed, and we all know it's inevitable, Eve is going to play the rape card hoping it's believable because it ties in with Jack's past indiscretions.

I have the same feeling. And I can't believe TIIC think this would be a good idea for a storyline to actually go there. Seriously, do they think any of us viewers are interested in such an awful storyline ? First, TIIC think Sami and EJ had this great love story after he raped her :sick::beat: , than they treat Jack, who was actually remorseful and reformed (as much as one can be when one commits such a hateful crime) like he was a horrible person and keep bringing Kayla's rape, and now, they think having Eve falsely accuse JJ would be entertaining ? This would be a new low. And I wonder : how low can they go ? :sick::sick::beat::beat:
The Writer, I don't think that it has been confirmed that Eve will cry rape. In fact, IF she does do that, no one will believe her since both Jennifer and Paige know that J.J. cheated on Paige. In addition, there is no evidence to substantiate her claim. The only thing that will happen once the truth is revealed is that J.J./Jennifer/Abigail and Eve/Paige will have major falling outs. I also suspect that it will be quite a while before those famiy ties are healed/mended.
I don't think the fallout with JJ/Jen/Abigail will be any more spectacular than the fallout from Abigail/EJ. Jen will probably yell at Eve for manipulating JJ and JJ will tell her she's wrong but she won't listen.

Unfortunately Eve will spin it as rape I think and will likely convince Paige she didn't report it since Paige loved JJ.
Eve spinning it as rape, won't work for 2 main reasons: 1) Eve has absolutely no evidence to back up her story and 2) Paige won't believe her since she already knows that J.J. cheated on her.

I also suspect that J.J./Abigail/Jennifer will have a falling out if two things happen: 1) J.J. and Eve continue to be their own worst enemies, and 2) J.J. turns around and makes his behavior Jack's fault (he is afraid of being a rapist like Jack), which is a distinct possibility. We'll have to wait to see how this plays out.
Here is what I find most concerning. And this is my speculation:

I'm guessing that the Eve & JJ reveal will be in February Sweeps. At the same timeI think Nicole will out Serena as some kind of wrongdoer, thus, breaking up her and Eric. Eric will apoligize, tell Nicole that he loves her, yada yada. Being the good soul she is, she will forgive him, and break Danny Boy's heart by choosing Eric. At the same time, Jennifer will be devastated that JJ slept with her archrival. She and Daniel, both distraught, will end up meeting up and consoling each other...likely leading to a grief romp that ultimately reunites them ( not to mention that Jennifer and Daniel were the types to have more of a romantic lovemaking than some type of emotionally-charged romp, but this show loves to do those, and this is a situation in which that would arise). Thus, we will have to see weeks of fallout being: Father Boring being with Nicole while Serena and the Bradys badmouth her, Daniel and Jennifer being back together and everyone doting on them, whiny Paige, and JJ & Eve probably blaming each other for the reveal and pushing Paige away...which will lead to more of them in the sack.
The Writer, I don't think that it has been confirmed that Eve will cry rape. In fact, IF she does do that, no one will believe her since both Jennifer and Paige know that J.J. cheated on Paige. In addition, there is no evidence to substantiate her claim. The only thing that will happen once the truth is revealed is that J.J./Jennifer/Abigail and Eve/Paige will have major falling outs. I also suspect that it will be quite a while before those famiy ties are healed/mended.

Let's hope you are right, Tabby. Fingers crossed. But what worries me though, is the criminals in Salem can get away with every crime in the book when there is a pile of evidence against them, including witnesses. (Think of JJ and Stefano, who got away with fake Rafe, to name just one of their crimes, then there is Theresa, who should have been behind bars for attempted murder when she put John in a coma, etc.) So I would not put it past the writers to do the exact opposite and believe Eve if she did cry rape. But you are right also, on the fact that this is purely speculation. So I'm sorry, everyone, if I went off topic. I just can't wait for this whole mess to get resolved... the faster, the better. I still say Eve, JJ, Paige, Jennifer (and why not, Theresa) should all get swooped away by a tornado that hits Salem, never to be seen again.
Guys, to quote "Gone With the Wind," "Frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn!!" This whole story line is boring... far-fetched and totally ridiculous!!! No way is Eve Mrs. Robinson. Anne Bancroft, the actress who portrayed Mrs. Robinson made you believe the seduction scene.... whoever plays Eve (sorry can't remember her name.....removed comment....JS) was definitely NOT!

Going further back, Kate has never paid for framing Sami for Franco's murder! At least those old shows were enjoyable.
Today ?:sick::(:beat::sick:. Hate to use the same things twice, but it partially explains how I feel.

When is 50th anniversary show?? Didn't start watching until 1967, so was a little behind.
Feb. sweeps begins January 29th. The Days 50th anniversary is in November 2015....

In her recent interview, Mary Beth Evans (Kayla) said she had actually forgotten that storyline, that the "rape" was just 1 day, 1 scene, on a sofa, and she talked of the marvelous actor Matthew Ashford is, how funny, and how much she likes him. She also said that it happened so many years ago, and yet now they are bringing it up, or referring to it, and thought it nice they refer to history. (She was speaking of when JJ talked to her about it).

I don't think Eve is going to claim rape at all. (And I sure wish JJ recorded Eve urging him not to tell Paige or she would be crushed - but probably not). There is no excuse she could make as to why she did not call the police. She has tried to separate Paige from JJ for nearly a year. That would have been the perfect thing, but she did not do it. And it has already been two times with Eve & JJ, how does she explain that? Eve is too savvy, too street smart to even have had it happen with JJ. Eve has had her vendetta against jennifer and everyone knows it, she demanded Paige end things, lied to her about Shane, went to CA, and even tried to lie some more to keep Paige there. Nope....no rape charge.

I am looking forward to JJ & Daniel talking, just to see if JJ actually tells him the "who".