Oh, someone gag Paige, please


Well-Known Member
Feb 12, 2009
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Good grief the girl needs to shut her pie hole, demanding details of who JJ boinked. The guy dumped her and told her that he boinked another person less than a day after she said she wasn't coming back. That makes him trash. It doesn't matter who he did, he did someone else. Walk away and go find your dignity.
Tooo funny, and tooo true! WHY was it so important he tell her who his sex partner was. She was chasing him, insisting he tell. My guess is, at first she just did not believe him, and of course, now, she figures it is someone she knows. Cannot begin to tell you how I HATE this story. Kassie dePaiva (Eve) deserved better than this stupid and idiotic tale. And so does JJ.
There's another thread that discusses who should be Salem's "official moron." After today's performance, perhaps Paige should be added to the list of candidates. Get a grip, Paige, it was a college freshman romance that you were involved in. Such relationships often have a short shelf life. You and JJ weren't engaged, much less an old married couple. Histrionics over cheating should be the preserve of those Salem women whose husband or fiance cheated on them. (This means you Samantha Gene.)
When I saw that in the spoilers and read it in the summary, I thought, How is a girl who's as smart as Paige is SUPPOSED to be so clingy? So undignified? So pathetic? So...stupid?

Maybe Paige is like me, and just wants the info for the sake of knowing everything. (Though that's not her established character.) But even I would not do what she did. I would try to find out via some other means, like hiding in the bushy clearing, or waiting for the whole mess to be exposed in a month or so. Dumb, stupid Paige.

Stanford is calling you, Paige. Don't bother coming next year.
This whole Paige and JJ and Eve mess is just getting so ridiculous now. JJ told you he cheated, as much as it is messed up and hurts you, move on girl! AT least stop following him around and grabbing onto him demanding he tell you who he boinked! IS that going to make it any better when you do in fact find out? And we all know the drill, Paige will find out that it was her mom. And then what? Either way Paige & JJ are no more! She needs to go to Standford now and make something of her life not stick around in Salem with that sourpuss on her face and chase after JJ , because he really isn't a prize at all by any standard.
Horrible storyline and I can't imagine that Kassie DePaiva (Eve) is pleased with it. The only way this storyline can end if Paige finds out the truth and leaves town. I can't imagine she would forgive Eve or JJ. This storyline has ruined all the characters involved.
I think she may forgive JJ. I don't see how she can forgive her mother, who is now using this as the latest in a series of schemes to control Paige. And actually JJ is worth quite a lot, despite this. He thinks it's best for Paige to move on which is why he broke up with her, and has been racked with guilt. Eve on the other hand only cares about making sure JJ suffers all the consequences and she suffers none.

I don't know if she'll forgive J.J. or not. I do think that she'll eventually forgive Eve provided this doesn't turn into a full-blown affair. I also think that BOTH J.J. and Eve are filled with guilt and are completed disgusted/sickened by what has transpired between them.
I think HM has a very good point. Eve is the parent, the older and more experienced one. She has attempted to dissuade Paige from seeing JJ from Day 1, wayyyy before the sex romp. And Paige knows her mom even went so far as to pretend her father was very ill, and they absolutely HAD to go to CA. She has connived, lied and manipulated, all the while pretending to be the comforting mom.
While it is hard to take that JJ would actually have sex with her mother, the fact remains that Eve actually went through with it. I think Eve has the hots for JJ, and cannot believe it herself, but it would explain why she wanted the second romp. And her constantly calling him, meeting with him with the excuse that "you cannot ever tell Paige".

I don't credit Paige with an ounce of common sense, despite being such a good student, but if she learns the facts, and then just sits by herself, going over all that has gone on....she would see what her mother has done. But again, no one tells each other anything, they all let others jump to conclusions, always the wrong ones. Maybe by July sweeps, Paige will have figured it all out, but....tooooo late.